standard exhaust


And how does he know what a Pulsar sounds like out of the factor? Has he been to Japan to inspect them? They aren't massively quiet in standard form.
they dont mate lol there jus idiots all traffic police are there for is to generate money..
subaru comment was the most ridicoulous thing i have ever heard, but jus had to go along with it or they fine me for any other laws they decide to make up on the spot

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
i have a magnex system on one of our cars and its alot quiter than a mongoose, i bought a db meter a few weeks ago as i wanted to check our car before the oc track day.

with a mongoose it was around 96db just on tick over, at 3k rpm it went up to 103db!!

im going to make up a small silencer using a spare mongoose tail section.

ill get my dad to test the magnex system tomorrow and let you know.
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South West Regional Rep
Well if they got them in Truro then I better watch out as I live in Exmouth, the boy racer hot spot for Devon and Cornwall.

If you got done at 95DB then I’m sure most of us need to worry as I doubt many would be round 80db.


Face it fellas they want cars like ours of the road all together.....if its not noise pollution it will be something else


New Member
my mates an MOT tester and when i got a ticket for a too loud exhaust, 1 that needed stamped by a tester, he said there was no guideline what stated a noise level for exhausts.


South West Regional Rep
Had a chat with the traffic officers involved with this new enforcement.

Apparently all cars should at point of manufacture read below 82db (TVR?) and are tested.

The police (Devon and Cornwall are trialling) now carry noise testers which are used if and exhaust sounds louder than standard. Cars need to be below the 82db, some 4X4 are allowed 89db. The test is at 3/4s of the rev range and if you fail it’s a £30 on the spot fine, no points. However if you get caught and fail again then its off to see the judge who will in the officers words ”dish out a larger fine”. I asked about the VDF but its only the fine, this seems odd to me. If there is something a miss with your car you should be made to rectify it.

So anyone with an aftermarket exhaust is likely to get a fine, me included. I asked about passing an MOT and he said it at the tester discursions, since my brother in-law sorts mine I’ll be ok

Hope this helps?

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
The police (Devon and Cornwall are trialling) now carry noise testers which are used if and exhaust sounds louder than standard. Cars need to be below the 82db, some 4X4 are allowed 89db. The test is at 3/4s of the rev range and if you fail it’s a £30 on the spot fine, no points. However if you get caught and fail again then its off to see the judge who will in the officers words ”dish out a larger fine”. I asked about the VDF but its only the fine, this seems odd to me. If there is something a miss with your car you should be made to rectify it.
That is a very grey area.

There are many cars our there that come from the factory that are well over 89db's; what baffles me (pardon the pun) is how they are going to distribute this law/fine fairly.
I can see it being abused to bump up their target levels, target cars they know to be modified or used when their original point of inspection fails to provide their desired outcome.
I could understand if it’s VERY loud and an annoyance to the public, but in 90% of instances this isn't the case.

The other reason why people will get stopped is if you are driving in away to bring attention towards yourself.
Keep your foot off the loud pedal and they should not bother about you.
Also, don’t forget to be nice to them even if they are tossers as you might find a little sweet talking and ego polishing will get you off the hook


South West Regional Rep

The other reason why people will get stopped is if you are driving in away to bring attention towards yourself.

This is the bit people don't get. I live in an area know for the younger car enthusiast. Sat in my flat in the middle of a town, in a 30 zone I hear cars going past all night hitting the rev limiter in third, doing hand brake turns, very loud obscene music and exhaust on family cars which put the channel tunnel to shame. Then they get pulled over and can’t work out why so try to get out of it by being that “big man” in front of the Burberry clad mates which puts the officer in a really good mood.

This then causes grief for the other car enthusiasts. I’ve got a solution, install one of the automatic bollards outside my flat with a remote control and I’ll get em one by one

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
I think if you took this before a judge they would throw this out as it makes the police officer the judge and jury and there already unhappy about fixed penalty fines.


Staff member
Surely you have the right to dispute appeal the spot fine... in a friendly and courteous way.
I'd rather give the £60 to my barrister and make a point than pay-up... having said that North Wales is mainly interested in catching speeders.