standard exhaust


Well-Known Member

Having being busted for my mongoose at 95db and being told that the limit is 80db. It got me thinking that the limit is quite low. Does anybody know what db the standard exhaust system produces?

I reckon most evos standard exhaust are louder than this limit!


South West Regional Rep
I'v got a Scorpian on my car and it is a hell of a lot quieter than my goose was.

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
my M.O.T examiner has always said that the noise levels on my car with mongoose was technically a fail as it was louder than the original exhaust but said they where allowed to use there own discretion. He did say he tends to fail the little french corsa typre cars as they tend to just fit loud back boxes . As he services imported high performance japanese cars and under stands the oe parts problems he tends not to fail them though he did refuse to fit my 3"janspeed cat back exhaust as he felt it would just be to loud . im trying to get it m.o.t ed this week so we shall see .

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member

Having being busted for my mongoose at 95db and being told that the limit is 80db. It got me thinking that the limit is quite low. Does anybody know what db the standard exhaust system produces?

I reckon most evos standard exhaust are louder than this limit!
Busted by who?


Well-Known Member
I got busted by the traffic cops with a mobile db unit

Tim, a test on standard would be great if you can do it.

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
I got busted by the traffic cops with a mobile db unit
Well it’s the 1st time I've heard the police talk about 80db limits before?

Was this a random stop or were they having an official roadside check point?

How were you "busted"? Did they give you a VDR form?

I'm a little confused to the verification of their information and what the outcome they want to achieve?

When you were "busted" what did they say they were going to do?


correct me if im wrong i thought they have to have your permission to get in your car if you have done nothing wrong. how did they rev it up to check the db level ???


Well-Known Member
The devon and cornwall traffic are apparently one of the first to get the kit. I was give a £30 fine no points or a court appearance. They quoted the "exhaust must be at a noise level equivelant to a standard system" they said they test everything at 80 db to allow for noisy 4X4s etc. They do a tick over test and one at 4k revs

Fast Guy

Staff member
Someone on the MLR said:
I have done some digging on this and thought it important enough to start a new thread. Please don't shoot the messenger on this.
The E.U limit for standard vehicles is 82db. The law states that a vehicle can be found to be defective if modified from standard and in the officers opinion is too loud :eek:
If a vehicle has been found to be modified it can tested using specific equipment (dba meter). Readings are taken 50cm away at 45deg to the exhaust on 2/3rds to 3/4's of the rev range. It is done 3 times and once at tickover, also a measurement of the background noise with the engine off is taken.
My local force will give a leeway up to 90db.*
If the exhaust is found to exceed the above then unless the vehicle has passed an SVA (which tests up to 101db) the driver is issued with a penalty notice under CU16 Maintain/Alter Exhaust.

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Sounds like they are trying to drum up results for their targets...

I would do some more digging about that.

There are too many variations and grey areas just to dish out fines like that.

Normally they would also issue with a VDR. Like with a number plate that is illegal. You would then have to change it back to meet the regulations and then have it checked to make sure you've done it afterwards.

Did they say anything about that?
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all there after is some cash robbing gits i got fined for my exhaust, aparantely is was to late at night to be driving a car that loud. although in his owns words said if it was a subaru it would be differant as there loud out the factory!!
they even took pics of the ziegen back box for proof lol.


i was temted to take the car to an exhuast maker and get a really quite system made but still fitted to the same back box then take them to court...mabe you should:)

Fast Guy

Staff member
although in his owns words said if it was a subaru it would be differant as there loud out the factory!!

And how does he know what a Pulsar sounds like out of the factor? Has he been to Japan to inspect them? They aren't massively quiet in standard form.