Speedo Sensor ?? and fuel gauge


New Member
How our speedo work ?

got some techical problem

I using AEM ECU and AIM MXL Strada

the speed sensor reading at AEM and AIM not working if i unplug the meter from the socket

overall i traced the speed sensor input from sensor itself to
one connector to fuse box on driver side
then connect to speedo meter via the driver side loom
then from speedo meter to ECU

any possible to tap the sensor direct to the ECU ?
not dare to try yet since afraid it will blown my ecu

now driving the car without speed reading
:doh: :doh: :doh:

what it our fuel gauge voltage ?
as mentioned early.. i using AIM Cluster
just need to tap the fuel gauge to the meter
need to get the voltage so i can key in the figure on the setting
5v ?

Thank you