Smoothed Tailgate



Jasegould said:
Yep I'v seen your efort .
Lert me guess...yours is black.....looks the same as everyone elses...yawn....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :roll:
As it happens yes it is black :wink:, But I have no prob with
repainting it a dif colour, but I sore your's in a mag the other
day and it looks bloody awful a real after thought it just doesn't
work mate, I like the orange but the black with it no way :cry:
Try repainting the top grey/blue what ever it's gotta look better
than it does at the mo :? :wink: .



Well-Known Member
Nad said:
The word saxo was about to spring to mind. At least with smoothing ur tailgate u can blend in with that lot at cruises :wink: :lol:
Just what i was thinking :lol:

Don't do it, in my opinion it ruins the look of the car completly :roll:

Smoothed tailgates belong on corsas, saxos, fiestas, and all other boy racer crap :twisted:


Jasegould wrote:
Yep I'v seen your efort .

Lert me guess...yours is black.....looks the same as everyone elses...yawn....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

As it happens yes it is black , But I have no prob with
repainting it a dif colour, but I sore your's in a mag the other
day and it looks bloody awful a real after thought it just doesn't
work mate, I like the orange but the black with it no way
Try repainting the top grey/blue what ever it's gotta look better
than it does at the mo .


Do you think I give a monkey's shit about what you per usual your comments are small minded and totally predictable. If you were to be a bit more constructive with your comments then maybe I would give a fcuk. And as for your idea on a colour with grey/blue :shock: Id hate to see your house...prob got Lawrence Lywen Bowen style yellow walls with pink carpet or something along those lines :roll: :wink:

No offence V :wink:


None taken mate 8) we will just have to beg to differ on your
paint job, As for my house my wife doesn't let me anywhere near
the colour chart :cry: :lol: . or a paint brush :( .

rob :oops: