Siezed Rear Calipers



Is there anyway to free these as mine are completely siezed or where can I buy a set of reconditioned calipers??? as pretty sure that the siezed back brakes are causing my positive camber at the rear



Active Member
When you say seized do you mean you can't press them back into the caliper ? If this is the case, are you aware that they screw back in not just press back in ?
Spray some wd40 around the rubber seal and find a flat piece of metal or screwdriver that allows you to turn them back in :wink:
Just out of interest, how would they cause positive camber ? Camber is the angle of the wheel on the vertical axis. The only thing that would cause this is the suspension set up or accident damage !


Right full story. Calipers are fitted to the car,position of the caliper is at the rear, if the calipers are sticking as the wheel rotates forward the braking moment on the wheel is causing everything to try and lift, if it was reversed it would pull it down also the wheels are hot after a run and the fronts are cool, handbrake seems stiff when fitted to calipers also the car seems to drag ie foot off the accelerator at 30 clutch dipped car slows quick and seems to hold on a hill. Everything points to the calipers being siezed, l cleaned them last time I changed the pads but doesn`t seem to have made adiiference, this could also explain why I can smell gearbox oil fumes on standstill


Active Member
Right, that makes sense now.

I would give the piston adjustment a go regardless, it might free up a sticky piston.
Obvious questions but, have you checked the handbrake cable ? the handbrake adjustment ? If it's none of these then, it's probably the handbrake mechanism in the caliper which, I doubt is easily servicable.

Have a look in the for sale section for cheap rear calipers. That way, you can use the cheap ones whilst you get the old ones recond !


ok then but I`ve tried readjusting and cleaning to no avail shall chack the handbrake cable to see if siezed (is there an easy way to do this???)
and put a WTB in the for sale section
