Road trip in an R?


Staff member
It seems there's quite a bit of interest in European road trips, maybe this is something we should be considering as an official club activity?
Maybe not going to the ring, or as far as Sweeden, but I can see us getting a few cars together to cross the channel in convoy...
I'm just putting it out there because there's been a lot of talk about the future of the club, and what can be done to get people involved in activities.

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
how about something in late august? give me a chance to get my shed finished?

not bothered about mag coverage unless its 'naked busty wench weekly'??


Staff member
Ireland is easy for me too! - I'm close to Birkenhead and not so far from Holyhead either really... I like the sound of this.

Dangerous Dave

Active Member
how about something in late august? give me a chance to get my shed finished?

not bothered about mag coverage unless its 'naked busty wench weekly'??
When in august was you thinking?? an dont say late august haha am over at the ring from the 21st to the 26th thats all:thumbsup:

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
were u ever over there rob the roads are all single lanes and lots off bad bends :der:
Out of town the main roads are de-restricted, but its not a licence to drive like a tool.

Gives drivers some freedom to open up the taps.

...and iirc they have a race track there too?


Nope, never been there Pat. Would like to some day though.

Wasn't that where the TopGear boys took all the M series BMW's though? And went for the 911/M6/Aston Martin comparison? The roads looked pretty good on those I thought.


Staff member
It also pissed down with rain for their entire shoot; they looked cold, wet, and miserable... I say the emerald isle first, and if that proves successful; the GTiR TT should be next.


It also pissed down with rain for their entire shoot; they looked cold, wet, and miserable...
True. But if you're going to stand on the side of a mountain then these things happen :lol: