replaced rear pads - sound engaged constantly.


New Member
Just replaced the standard pads with Mintex m1144 at the rear..

Getting the mild sound of the rears being constantly engaged when rolling, the pad material is very thick in comparison to the half worn pads i removed.

this in turn seems to be heating the rear caliper fluid up a great deal, resulting in a very spongey pedal..

fronts are bled through and silent, no air etc.. the pedal is solid when not moving from cold, but goes spongey after a bit of driving. the rears pistons have been turned back and copper slip applied where nessecary.

also does anyone know the part number of the rear caliper bleed nipple as mine is rounded.. :? and needs replacing.

any advice would be appreciated..

Cheers jb


Hi Justin,

Have you checked your handbrake cables?
They are well known for breaking down inside the cable and causing the pads to stick to the disk. If you've just put on thicker pads that will mean that the cable has to retract back further and has probably stuck. Try to lift your handbrake up a bit, do you get a few clicks before getting any resistance?


New Member
tried the handbrake thing, it ratchets from the very first little bit, so is that ok, there was not much resistance till about 1/3 of the way up..

And on the pistons, yer i unstuck the rubber seals cause they were stuck and twisting and fouling the pistons when i tried to rotate them back. When free, i rotated the pistons back in with pliers till i could get it to clear the pads as i swing the caliper down into position.

Should i take them off and keep rotating them some more? It seems like you can only do them so much and then they don't go in anymore and just keep rotating. please correct if thats not the case.

Also i think i have an air bubble somewhere in my system as the pedal is soggy as a was not there before, but when we first bled we got mixed up and it may have happened then not good. bled the fronts right through for a good 250ml of fluid. no bubbles and no change. any ideas apart from keep bleeding?

anyone got the part number for the rear bleed nipple, i have the last bit off the partnos.pdf but need the prefix.

thanks for your advice guys, any more welcome.


The only real way to tell if your cable is knackered is to get someone to opperate it while you look from underneath and check the movement. I managed to take mine off and oil them up a few times, but it didn't take long before they locked on again. If they do need replacing I think they are about £90.


I had the same problem with mine after fitting the new pads and discs, seems i forgot to back the cable off and re adjust, meaning the handbrake was continuously on due to the icreased disc and pad dimensions, have you also forgot?, jeff :D

p.s, you can get to the adjuster through the curtains either side af the handle, needing a deep throat socket and an extension bar :D