rear engine pics.

red reading

Active Member
You will need the spring as that is what stops the hose collapsing from the suction of the water pump when the system is cold and not pressurised , if nissan state a delivery of over 3 weeks chances are it is not made any more.


Why can't you use the spring out of your split pipe & swap it into the samco hose?
Thats what I done on mine this weekend, presume that's the done thing?
Amber performance was a 4 week wait as well but beat nissans 6 week wait & you don't want to be doing them again so I would vote samco's.
Bit of a pig to reach when in the car.
Are you going to block off the water feeds to the inlet manifold while your doing it?


Staff member
Just an aside, myself and Stumo moved the oil cooler to the side of the adapter and replaced the water/oil heat exchanger blocking off appropriate pipes etc. The reason being I kept getting sealing issues on the filter/cooler adapter plate as the oil filter holds it all together and over time was coming lose. It further simplified the back of the engine and meant you could install a bigger oil filter from another Nissan. I can't recall which one but it looks about 50% larger than OEM GtiR.

I guess the standard setup helps with cold start and attempts to exchange heat to the water system from the oil system when it gets hot but like others I found it inadequate on track.


Active Member
What are the benefits of blocking of the water feeds to the inlet,aside from the fact that they could leak,I assume there is more than one.


Ah a sigh of relief with the samco's & the spring then as mine seemed fine.

Stugtir300 the reason I want to block the water feeds off to the inlet manifold is just to make it a bit more serviceable once fitted in the car.
I had to do a few jobs in that area with the inlet in situ before which I found pretty awkward with the inlet manifold fitted, things like the DET sensor, water pipes your having problems with.
Would be interested to know how many other members have done this and if there are any possible drawbacks bar it taking a bit longer to get up to temp?

I did read a thread about removing the cold start valve & associated pipework before but not sure if you need to be on nistune etc to get a decent idle.

Does anyone run with no water pipes to the inlet & no cold start on a stock ecu & if so do you have any problems?

Sorry to of high-jacked your thread but im in the same boat with the water pipes & thought it might of been some relevance to you with my other questions


I've been runnining with the water pipes blocked off for a couple of years and not noticed any difference, running standard ECU. Idles at approx 900 rpm.

i have also extended the wires underneath so I can lift the plenum off without unplugging them, only takes about 10 mins to remove the plenum then.
I have had the water pipes blocked off for the inlet manifold and never had an issue. Have also removed the water to oil cooler also as i run an external oil cooler. And have the sandwich plate mounted to where the old water/oil cooler used to be.


Active Member
Think I just bypassed my inlet water pipes and used the original spring in the samco hose.



Active Member
The larger filter to use is 15208-71J00, there was a thread on here aaaaaages ago where i worked out the areas of each filter, anyway here's a pic of the two filters...

and here is a pic of what Jim was talking about...



Active Member
Evening all, no joy with changing the hoses yet, the bloody car is really trying my patience, theres no chance of me getting my arms in to change owt, let alone tools aswell, pobody did you manage to sort your hoses, I think im going to have to take the inlet off to get at the hoses, if I do, what problems should I look out for and what should I do while the inlet is off, any info is much appreciated.


Active Member
Evening all,what problems should I look out for when I remove the inlet to get at the hoses at the back of the engine and what jobs should I do while its off,will I be able to reuse the gasket or should I buy a new one.any info is appreciated.