Rear Caliper Shims


New Member
Does anybody else have the shims in there rear calipers?,

According to the diagrams it should have them on the rear of the pads, mine doesnt. Nissan want £35 for them so just wondered if other people have them or not.

Cheers Tony.


Active Member
they're there to stop squealing/knocking, they don't "locate" the pads and it's not like you deffo need them.


Active Member
Are those the steel things that kind of clip to the back of the pad?

Had them on a few other cars but didn't have any on the rears of the R since I got it - no problems - no rattling or squealing etc.

I've never quite understood how they are supposed to do what they are supposed to do (stop rattling / squeeling etc.) - but a lot of manufacturers fit them so I suppose they must do something? But then on a couple of cars I've had they've rusted away and I've not bothered replacing them and never had a problem.

But as it's your brakes and I don't want liability for you not stopping and wiping out a bus stop full of school kids.....

DISCLAIMER: All posts are based on my own experience and my opinions. They are in no way to be construed as definitive and factual. In fact you are probably best off skipping straight past this post as I had probably consumed vast amounts of alcohol at the time of writing. Specifically, in relation to the fitting of or ommission of parts - if in doubt follow the manufacturer's recommendations - they put that part there for a reason, the bloke who did the design is probably dead so the reason is lost in the sands of time - but there must have been a reason - musn't there??



New Member
Lol, i havnt ordered them, Now for the seal kit, has anyone done it. How easy, anything to look out for>
Cheers Tony.


Tony-turbo said:
Lol, i havnt ordered them, Now for the seal kit, has anyone done it. How easy, anything to look out for>
Cheers Tony.
I did fitted a seal kit to one of my spare rear calipers, But I couldn't get it to stop leaking after :? :cry: , Now days I'd just buy a new caliper and be done with it ;-) .....
