Read and weap...



hello gagge her
as some of you may know I bought adrian cash's old car 9 months ago. On the way back to sweden the gearbox broke and I had it in my garage for a week, then I took the car to this mecanic like 2 hours away. He had it for like 9 months until I was pissed off and went there to get the car today. I came there and saw my gearbox... in maybe 1000 pieces.. I took my 50 paper bags and started to put all the pieces in it. I just arrived home and Ive got my car full of pieces of the gearbox, the backseat, frontseats evereywhere is full of pieces.. only God knows how Im going to get them all together... ahh well. Im pissed now put I will post pics of the whole shit tomorrow so all of you can see what kind of hell Im in right now...
I dont even know what to do as there arent many people in sweden good with these cars...


I will get it sortened out... the question is just how.
How much is a comple box in the UK? second hand that is...


that sounds good... I asked Nissan garage what they wanted to do the job, they said: £1100 and up.

Does anyone know where I can find a second hand gearbox that is i

Fast Guy

Staff member
What's the machanic been doing? It's only a gearbox, so any competent mechanic should be able to rebuild it. :?


This is only my hypotetic guesss but I believe the gearbox has been drinking lots of coffie and been jerking off alot because he sure as hell hasnt worked with my box...

I cant really kill him as we have rules against these things in sweden.

All I need to do now is to first of all find someone who can fix a gti-r box. then choose if I should by a second hand complete box or let someone try to fix this one...

Ive got like 100 screws which I have no idea of where they are going.

as I said will take some pics tomorrow so you see what Im talking about


sorry: meant that the mecanic has been drinkin coffie and jerking...


sounds like hes been doing more then that what a jerk and i mean the so called machanic :)


I cant really understand how he was thinking.. I mean if the job was to hard why didnt he say so?

Ive been calling him once a week in over half a year now asking how its going, every time he replied, just fine, would be done in a week or so...

fucking idiot...


Ive got an idea.. If anyone in the UK is confident by himself please look at the photos tomorrow.
If you think you can fix that I will fly you over to sweden, pay for your living expenses for a weekend, take you to swedens biggest autoshow this weekend and let you look at all our fine ladies.. plus you will get some kind of payment for the job

If anyone thinks he can do this just contact me as I believe its totally impossible as the gearbox is totally stripped...


New Member
Buy a 2nd gearbox.
You know you're gonna spend a lot making enquiries / trying to get someone to do it in Sweden. Knock it on the head, save it for parts and save yourself the hassle.
The only real alternative is to send the parts to the uk, for it to sit on someones waiting list for a few months and pay fitting and carraige = SKR,SKR,SKR


Me Me ME LOL I;ll go, just got in from da pub and im in barny with the wife so i'll go. please. lol
Like Ginga says they pretty piss easy to do, take the pics tomorrow and we'll see what we can do.

Allan GTI-R

fill me in - is this the blue car on top gear racing the Viper ??


nope its not the blue one... this is a black on
here are some pics

The thing is even if I by a 2nd hand gearbox i still need to fit that one and the fitting itselft isnt cheap overe here. It may cost about £500 or more just to fit the complete box into the car. Ill need to know which is cheaper, to install all the 5 billion loose pieces ive got and then install the whole thing into the car or buy a second hand one and then install it into the car.


New Member
I'd say the only way your gonna fit all them pieces together is by comparing it to another box. If it has been stripped as bad as you describe i'd say you havn't a chance on earth unless you find an expert.


Websnowbo said:
I'd say the only way your gonna fit all them pieces together is by comparing it to another box. If it has been stripped as bad as you describe i'd say you havn't a chance on earth unless you find an expert.

exactly... but Ill take the pics and you guys decide..