I believe the first time was after DP ****ed the build..
A sadder story is yet to be told :shock::lol::lol::lol::lol:.
I think it all started the day Bruce thought to himself that it might be a good idea to buy himself a nearly new UK registered Sunny GTI-R, I bet he woe's that day now :der::lol:.
I'm not quite sure where it all started going wrong, But for sure letting DP anywhere near his first engine build wasn't the best decision he ever made :doh::lol:, They built just about one of the worst engines ever built :roll:, About the same time I think he also got about the same quality of service from Becker who f*cked up his gearbox as well ;-).
He then after the first engine failure had Agra build him a nice shiny new one which a Scottish tuning company promptly melted twice :doh:, He then built yet another Agra engine and is now waiting for that one to be mapped but the turbo is apparently goosed now :shock::lol:, I tell you all you could live 10 lives and never ever meet an unluckier individual than Mr Bruce Spence 8)

Their has also been lots of other mishaps along the way but they're to numerous to mention here, Or should I say humorous lol lol.
Keep on trucking Bruce ;-).