quicky chaps


New Member
just bought another r and already having probs :roll: :lol: although its only minor and havent had a proper look yet as its got dark quick.

whats happening is 5 out of 10 times on boost the car feels underpowered, like its running less boost. and when giving it some stick and then change to 3rd it just looses all power and i almost get thrown through the windscreen :lol:

so what we thinking, boost leak somewhere?

nice one ;-)


New Member
Could be a number of things.
Fuel, plugs, induction. Give it a good look over in the cold light of day and stop raggin the poor thing.... ;-)

red reading

Active Member
fuel pump,fuel filter,plugs,leads,dizzy cap,rotor arm,fuel surge,crap in the fuel tank,there is some idea's for starters!!


New Member
im swaying more towards something like a boost leak at the moment, it feels like hitting the 112mph speed limiter when it does it. and it feels like 1min its on stock boost, then 1bar the next.


New Member
i see the prev owner had it dyno'd at tuning japanese :lol: :doh: ive turned the boost down to 1bar now (from 1.2) until i get a unichip. its got the old hks ignition and fuel controllers with the little dials proper old skool :lol:


New Member
right have turned the boost down to 1bar. seemed to go ok tonight, gave it a hard drive seemed ok at first then got to around 5.5k and it just started backfiring intermitantly, sometimes revs ok, sometimes not.

its got the old skool apexi afr controller and hks ignition timing controller, just wondering is it worth taking a pic of where the dials are set to and then knock them all back to 0.. so its just running off the stock map on the ecu.

is it neccesary to have these controllers when im only running 1 bar on a forged engine with hks cams?

(just wondering if someones played with the controllers cough tuning japanese :lol: :roll: )

or maybe im overlooking things and its something simple like water in the plug holes, or incorrect plug gaps :doh: will check that aswell

suggestions chaps ;-)

Fusion Ed

Active Member
its probably not, but it depends how the rest of the car is setup. pulsars tend to run a bit rich with mods before the injectors max out so you will probably be ok im sure at 1 bar. You should perhaps consider something more powerful than a uni chip if you want to do much more to it.


first thing i would do is do a code check to see if theres any faults come up!
if all clear, and you have checked all the obvious boost & vacuum pipes for leaks, go round and disconnect every electrical connector you can see and spray them up with wd40 or some sort of moisture repellent, then make sure everything is making a good and proper connection.

if problem is still there then i would check fuelling ie what pump is fitted? when was fuel filter last changed?
bypass the boost controller and run another vacuum feed to actuator to see if prob is still there without it.
as someone else suggested it could be a number of things causing this problem, so process of elimination really.

look at the plugs, they will tell you a lot by the colour of them! ie if its been running lean (lack of fuel) then they will get very hot and be a whitish brown colour....eliminates ignition problem
likewise if there sooty black then it could well be an ignition or overfuelling problem.


New Member
fault code check shows 55 - all clear

will check plugs today, and get new dizzy cap on the weekend

it feels funny before turbo comes in aswell, like abit of a flatspot

im only aiming for around 340-350bhp, had 340 on a unichip on my old r and it did a good job


definately sounds like a lack of fuel, or a fuelling issue to me!


New Member
anyone got the part no. for fuel filter? might aswell change that whilst im there, going to oil/filter change, fuel filter, etc


New Member
think il zero the fuel controller and ignition controller, if i zero all the dials will it run asif theyre not there or would it be best to diconnect them completely from the loom?


New Member
turbodaily said:
anyone got the part no. for fuel filter? might aswell change that whilst im there, going to oil/filter change, fuel filter, etc
Bought one recently....

Genuine Nissan Fuel Filter Part # 16400-53J10


New Member
already has a walbro...

have changed the afm,oil and filter change, new fuel filter. problem still there,

the power dips down at around 3k, like a big flat spot, you can here the turbo spool and then turbo suddenly kicks in.

going to disconnect the apexi afr next and fitting a mines ecu.

just wondering if the det sensor is faulty.. is there a chance it wont show up on fault check?? i know it retards the timing when they play up, will it run retarded contsantly?
(if so then il get the timing gun out and check it)


the det sensor wont cause a fault like your having.
if it fcuked it will put the ecu into limp home mode and you will notice a drop in power everywhere, 'not what your describing' and thats mainly when cars hot, when its cold there will be minor or no difference at all to the running

when you hit the flatspot or car cuts, is there any black smoke etc?