Q45 MAF vs Z32


Staff member
Rising Sun Perfomance are pushing the AEM at the moment, they were trying to get me to use one but I already had the Power FC Pro ready to fit. Call them and see you might be suprised.

Jobi Joba

RishiGTiR said:
All you do is rescale the MAF voltages so that it reads max voltage at a much higher airflow rate...
It won't work.If my MAF is maxed out at 1.6bar,it will keep telling the same voltage to the ECU for all higher boost figures.
So nevermind all the rescale you want,you will still read the same load as soon as u go above 1.6bar. So you will inject the same amount of fuel and run the same ignition timing for 1.6bar or 2bar. It's just not proper tuning!!
I don't want to sacrifice mid boost points just to have a nice map when I run 2bar boost.
That's why I need a MAF which voltage is not maxed out at 450ish bhp.

So my question is:Is there someone here who is running a Q45 MAF?

RishiGTiR said:
Yes the Z32 will have its limits but its fine for the 500bhp that you want to run....
see above...It would be ok if my car was drag dedicated.But it will also be my track toy and I also use it for street racing (vs Porsches,sporty motorbikes,Supras,etc...)

RishiGTiR said:
You could always use the new AEM ECU... Its as flexible as the Motec but with the plug and play ease of the PowerFC... And it uses a MAP Senor..

Part number 30-1600.... I would recommend the AEM with UEGO part number 30-1600U...
The Power FC is true good stuff when used with datalogit.And it has a 20x20 map which allow to do fine engine tuning. It only needs launch control to be one of the best MAF using ECU (oh, Power FC Pro!! lol ). I reckon I'd like Apexi to do the D Jetro version for GTIRs,but at the end of the day,as I said before,the only advantages of using a MAP sensor are:
- no more maxed out MAF problem
- better control of the afr while changing gears with a dump valve

Except those points,it won't allow you to get any extra free bhp nor to have a smoother engine.

As I now have a nice afr setting while changing gears (a lot of tuning on dump valves and on my PFC),I don't see the point in spending extra £850 just to get an AEM ECU which will only allow me to use a MAP sensor. And don't forget I now have a very nice map on my PFC.I would have to remap my whole injection map if I move on an AEM.
Oh,and BTW,if someone here goes for the AEM stuff:don't rely the automapping mode (with the wideband).It's nowhere as good as a real mapping (for the WOT conditions of course...for part throttle driving,it's just as good as...a regular lambda sensor).
I know AEM stuff a lil bit cause in my club a guy is running a 700bhp Supra with an AEM ECU. Nice stuff,really. But it doesn't make the Power FC look like old s.h.i.t, not at all.


Still waiting on some shims!
Jobi Joba said:
RishiGTiR said:
All you do is rescale the MAF voltages so that it reads max voltage at a much higher airflow rate...
It won't work.If my MAF is maxed out at 1.6bar,it will keep telling the same voltage to the ECU for all higher boost figures.
So nevermind all the rescale you want,you will still read the same load as soon as u go above 1.6bar. So you will inject the same amount of fuel and run the same ignition timing for 1.6bar or 2bar. It's just not proper tuning!!
I don't want to sacrifice mid boost points just to have a nice map when I run 2bar boost.
That's why I need a MAF which voltage is not maxed out at 450ish bhp.

So my question is:Is there someone here who is running a Q45 MAF?

It reads Air Flow vs Voltage... You can scale it to read max voltage 5.1v(i think) at for eg. 1350cfm...

I maxed my MAF using a GT2540R at 1.4 - 1.5bar... Yet a friend of mine manages 2.1bar on a much larger turbo...

All using the same method i stated.. Its all in the FC Software... It will get to the point where the MAF starts to lose acuracy but 550bhp is fine on the Z32...




Don't know if this makes a difference or not, but I would feel more comfortable with the Apexi Power FC PRO as it is tried and tested on our cars :wink: .

Jobi Joba

RishiGTiR said:
It reads Air Flow vs Voltage... You can scale it to read max voltage 5.1v(i think) at for eg. 1350cfm...

I maxed my MAF using a GT2540R at 1.4 - 1.5bar... Yet a friend of mine manages 2.1bar on a much larger turbo...

All using the same method i stated.. Its all in the FC Software... It will get to the point where the MAF starts to lose acuracy but 550bhp is fine on the Z32...

I think the Z32 MAF is maxed out at about 4.8V...
(one of my best friend is considerer as the euro Z32 guru and he told me that depending of the manufacturing some can read up to 5V but most of them won't be able to deliver more than 4.75V. Considering he is one of the guy who created the biggest Z32 club,knowing that he's a friend of Jim Wolf and some other famous Z32 tuners,I take what he said for truth)

The voltage delivered my the MAF depends on the flow which goes through it. This is a property inherent to its own design and it can't be changed. So nevermind what is done in the ECU,if a certain airflow goes through the MAF,it will deliver a certain voltage.If you use an engine setup which needs more than the maximum airflow readable by the MAF,then this extra amount of airflow won't be seen by the MAF.

By playing with the Power FC setting,you can change the voltage vs load scale and make the Power FC think that 4.8V doesn't equal to X load,but equals to Y load.
Then you rescale your load axis in the map and job done...but it's not true.
Using this method you will be able to have good mapping for the max flow which is really going through the MAF. But don't forget the MAF is maxed out. So it will keep telling 4.8V for a wide range of flow.For example,it will tell 4.8V for everything about 1.6bar (for a particular rpm figure).

So you will have the same fuel and ignition setting for everything above 1.6bar.

If your fuel and ignition settings are perfect for 2bar, you will overfuel and be about 2 or 3 degrees away from the best ignition timing at 1.6bar (because for both,the MAF will say: 4.8V,so you end up in the same load line on your map). If your setup is perfect at 1.6bar, you will lack a certain amount of fuel and may see knock when boosting at 2bar (again because for both boost pressure,the MAF will tell the same voltage).

At the end of the day,you can keep using the Z32 MAF,but your map won't be tip top for every level of boost.It's not a problem for a drag car as the only setting it will uses is the max power setup. But for a car like the one I wanna have,this is just not proper tuning.


Still waiting on some shims!
I can see what you mean... I wasn't planning on staying with the Z32...

I've just seen some insane cars in Japan stick with the Z32...

Will be using the Q45 myself...



New Member
if nissan mafs read 5volts max and the amount of airflow that will cause it to see 5volts is goverened by the internal bore size of the maf, could you not with abit of jiggery pokery take a standard maf, whip out the sensor part and make up your own huge housing for it to get far better air flow before it sees 5volts :?:

just a thought.... :?

not that i'm bothered with all this bigger maf malarky :wink: mine will be on map sensor 8)

just thinking aloud really


Long time reader almost first time poster.

I'm running a Q45 MAF... running on stock computer with just a daughterboard... think the values we were using for the K multiplier on the fuel maps indicate that the flow in a q45 MAF is goof for about 600hp.. Its a friend of mine who has done all the tuning - he is a bit of a pioneer here in NZ - so he would be best to speak about the specifics of what it can and cant do - but a Q45 MAF appears to be able to flow more that a Z32 both physically and also in theoretical HP value.

I'm still in tuning phase with this maf, new turbo and 750cc injectors and have not dynoed the car since it was pretty much stock (other than exhaust done) when I had 193.4kw at all 4 wheels (approx 250hp)

However we are not talking about a GTI-R here... I have the GTI-R engine and drivetrain but its all sitting in an HNP10 (4wd) Primera.

Currently with a best E/T of 12.59 at 178km/h but hoping for improvements on this with the install of Nismo 1.5 way mech front LSD and with the new setup above all tuned and ready to roll... anticiapte running around 1.5 bar on the current turbo (t3/t04e) and then who knows what when I get to the GT3071R that I will be going with next.

Check out the car here..(not quite up to date with the chagnes as above and 38mm TIAL wastegate with custom headers)


and a vid of my fastest 1/4 (needs Real Player)


not many other pics of it on the net - all sitting at home on laptop

Anyhow... minor thread hijack.. I enjoy reading what all you crazy cats get up to.. keep it up..




kieron said:
if nissan mafs read 5volts max and the amount of airflow that will cause it to see 5volts is goverened by the internal bore size of the maf, could you not with abit of jiggery pokery take a standard maf, whip out the sensor part and make up your own huge housing for it to get far better air flow before it sees 5volts :?:
yes, that works, you can also widen the MAF range by sticking a needle or something in front of the sensor so that more air flows around the sensor instead of through it... ;) You lose sensitivity at idle and low rpm, but at least it doesn't max out at WOT :D

On the standard Maf you can get a good bit more out of it by closing up the entrance hole a little, although the size and shape of the chamber means it sucks a$$ anyway so its not worth it..:(

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
id much rather not stick anything inside my intake ta very much :lol: i can picture the needle making its merry way through the induction system :shock: :(

is the 80mm scooby maf a better option?


lol, it no different from the maf hotwire ( very needlelike ;) ) breaking off and getting sucked in :D:D


How come you want to keep the MAF?

Wouldn't a MAP/IAT based ECU be a better option? Or is it an ease of install issue?


Jobi Joba said:
what about the Q45 MAF wiring?Can someone tell about that?
Im running a Q45 MAF and wiring diagram is on the OZ site and standard ecu with Safc II thou im running around 300 so i'll never max it out! :lol: :lol:


New Member
Don't tell me that i've just brought an FC pro
is the pro version the only version you can get for the gtir cos im having trouble trying to find any info on it for the gtir :roll:


Still waiting on some shims!
GTIR-LOZ said:
Don't tell me that i've just brought an FC pro
is the pro version the only version you can get for the gtir cos im having trouble trying to find any info on it for the gtir :roll:

There is the normal PowerFC and the PowerFC PRO...

PowerFC - uses fuel cut... RPM redline uses fuel cut to stop the revs... This can be very dangerous as you can run lean, DET and blow your engine if you hit the limiter to hard...

PowerFC PRO - Uses a proper Rev Cut... At the selected red line the ECU actually cuts the revs and not the fuel... This Rev Cut has also been utilised to enable a Launch Control feature into the PowerFC PRO...
