vpulsar said:
Also seeing as they still use them to go raceing there's a lot of tuning parts out there 8) , In my opinion there a lot easyer to get big power out of than the gti-r
exactly rob,
The thing is the 1 bar gtir heroes are COOL to realise they have actually got a quick car and think that cos they've been out round the town centre taking on a few scoobs they Can eat fish finger sarni's :roll: :lol: :lol:
i can think of several transvestites that will waste the vast majority of flintstones 8)
not that i'd want any of them
And when some of them actually bother to pull their heads out of their mongoose tail pipes and think about all the different varients that are available you can get a car that handles better and goes quicker out the box than any of the versions of the gtir.
its just a damn shame that every other c.u.n.t thinks the same and feels the need to wear a stupid blue jacket the minute they get one :roll: :lol:
As much enthusiasm as i have for the gtir you have in all honesty got to be one stupid f.o.o.k.e.r to stick with the poxy things and try to push the gtir into the future, theres not really anything to look at, no real info, nothing...it all comes from talking to equally as stupid people and spending a s.h.i.t load of time researching and looking at the way other cars are tuned. No one else is doing anything with the gtir other than people that own them, which is for me the thing i like the most 8)
Once you've gone far to far to even consider buying another car you'll sit there knowing you have a damn good engine thats far stronger out the box let alone modified than most of the others but you have to suffer sticking with a heap of s.h.it transmission that isn't capable of supporting the power you can get out of the engine, you'll then end up with a gearbox worth more than the base car is these days which you still wont be 100% confident in and will basically wait for the day it breaks so you can try something else

Reading posts where the 1 bar heroes start spouting out how good the gtir is makes me Masterbate, gtirs f.u.c.k.i.ng suck :shock: until that is you put some time effort and money into them

. Nissan knew it which is why they stopped rallying them so quickly

way off topic, but f.uc.k it... :lol:
roy, just buy whatever you think is best for you 8)
RishiGTiR said:
I'd give it a good go anyway...
and i'm sure he'll be more than happy enough to turn back round and give you a tow when the quaiffe explodes into millions of little pieces
