Power FC Boost Control Kit

Pete Watson

New Member
I have the Power FC and the Boost Control Kit that goes with it fitted to my car. I have recently had it mapped to 1.6bar 'i am using a 3071'. On the lower Boost settings '1bar & 1.3bar' all seems good, car pulls well. When i choose the highest setting 1.6bar, the car is ok until i put my foot down, then it won't hold 1.6bar, it flashes between 1.6 and 1.4 and you can feel the power coming on and off in surges, all this happens very fast. I have spoken to the Company that mapped the car and they have been out in it to see for themselves what i mean, they have 2 possible causes:

A) Weak Actuator Bracket allowing the actuator to flex when set to 1.6bar, i have grabbed hold of the actuator and there is slight flex in the bracket but you have to try quite hard to get it to move

B) Boost Control Kit is too restrictive, won't allow small amounts of adjustment to be made to keep a steady 1.6bar.

I guess quite a few owners who are using the Power FC are also using the same Boost Control Kit as me. Has anyong come accross this problem with holding steady boost...is it right that they are restricive in regards to adjustment?

Any help will be appreciated!!

Rgs Pete

Pete Watson

New Member
Do you know of anyone who is using this set up that i can speak to, the tuner i have recently had remap my carhas started suggesting i have a stand alone Controller fitted. I don't mind changing to this but i want to make sure it is right and i am not being taken for a ride!!


Staff member
Using mine on a 3071 at 1.8Bar at the moment, been happy days all the way.

It will hold a solid 1.4Bar to 1.8Bar depending on the setting from spool up to redline. The map sensor won't go past 2 Bar but you can fit a better map sensor and recalibrate in the PFC if you really want.

I'm re-mapping my PFC, what I like about the kit is all the settings for the engine mamagement are in the same box. All setups and logs are saved in one file only so are easy to reference.

So its either A not been mapped properly or B you have a mechanical/electrical fault.

When the boost surges, have you looked at the logs, what does the fueling do?

Is it just a simple misffire at high revs because your igniton system isn't up to the job?That might make snese too? The standard system is known to have problems around 1.6Bar


Pete Watson

New Member
It is not a misfire, you just feel like you are rocking in your seat, almost like the wastegate is opening and closing, you can feel the power drop and pick up then drop and pickup, it is like this only when set to 1.6bar, you get it right through the rev range in all gears, but in 4th and 5th it is worse, i guess because i am holding it in gear longer.

I don't know anything about setting up the Power FC or indeed where to look for any settings, i have 8 systems being monitored on my Hand Commander, is this where i need to look.

Do you think it could be anything to do with the Boost Duty, i was told by the tuner that you can't adjust it very much but last night i found a site which says the opposite. Can i see any figures for the Boost Duty, if so maybe if i let you know what i have you may be able to see if it is in the right area or totally wrong.

Rgs Pete

Fusion Ed

Active Member
Pete I know exactly what you mean I have had the same with a profec B. Basically your getting boost oscillations due to the response time from the PFC. There are two ways to sort this. One to dampen the response time of the actuator (done by putting a small restrictor in line with the actuator itself) or by moving the boost sense line nearer the turbo, idealy on the outlet of the housing. Both may infact be needed.

What happens simply put is the boot controller senses there is not enough boost, so closes the actuator the turbo responds so fast that it makes massive amounts of boost before the controller has enough time to see it and then opens the actuator for too long, then the boost drops too low and the cycle repeats. Its basically mechanical resonance made worse by the fact that the 3071s respond so fast.


Staff member
Here is a link to the manual for the hand controller. Its not identical but 99% is and it'll give you an idea. Read and absorb


Go to settings to change the boost.

Go to monitor, select 1 variable and monitor boost in graph mode. Go for a drive and see what its doing.

Ideally go through all the settings.... yes all of the maps too and write them down in execl. Send me a copy and I can have a look at the settings. Another memeber did this for me when I was first learning to understand what the PFC was doing (In the end it was a CAS and nothing to do with the PFC) I've now got a datalogit, a WB lambda and am setting about redoing everything myself. I've got the greatest of respect for the people who originally setup my map but it is not realistic to expect anyone to do a perfect map in a couple of hours. It took me a couple of hours just to fine tune the idle!!

My starting point would be to drop the boost to the minimum and see if you still get the same response
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