Pink R


lauries GTI-R

if your going pink :D do it in hot pink with black wheels with carbon bonnet that would look lush
so i vote hot pink for you lol

cheeRS laurie


New Member
I'd say no just because it'll draw so much attention an if you park it in town an some scallies see it you'll get abused an it'll get trashed as soon as you walk away.

It will attract too much negative attention. The girls will love it, the lads will trash it.


Gray said:
I'd say no just because it'll draw so much attention an if you park it in town an some scallies see it you'll get abused an it'll get trashed as soon as you walk away.

It will attract too much negative attention. The girls will love it, the lads will trash it.
I do see what your saying although i'm not in the slightest bit concerned anyone giving me abuse, it character building and i like a good fight (just kidding :wink: ) the car isn't my daily driver so if i'm going somewhere that i have to park the it i'll use my other car, all other times my car will be tucked up well out of view from anyone.

i'm not familiar with hot pink, where could i see an example of it??

Roy Archer

i would imagine you would find good examples of hot pink in the blue oyster bar. I cant belive you are serious, however, it is a good way of getting out of giving lifts to the pub. A car can be a lonely place is nobody will ever get in it other than you. :?


Active Member
Hot pink with pearl:

Personally I think hot pink would look shite, but a pastel pink would be cool.



What about keeping it white and have somekinda mad pink flip in the laquer..???? Not quite as in ya face as completely pink but different nevertheless.

Your a brave man to paint your car pink but I admire the fact you have the nuts to do something a bit different :D You go girlfriend x :D



paz said:
Hot pink with pearl:

Personally I think hot pink would look Old Skoda, but a pastel pink would be cool.

Thats TOO pink for me....if i did it i would do it in a pale pastel pink.


New Member

if you think i drove all that way to scotland for you to get this car sprayed bloody pink i'l go and get it back so you you will never see it again :D

you have been warned

PINK you loose the car

WHITE you get to keep the car



Well-Known Member
deank93 said:
i've even had to ask myself some pretty searching questions but its all good, i'm still lovin chicks with dicks
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :lol:

deank93 said:
i'm not familiar with hot pink, where could i see an example of it??
A quick rummage through your girlfriends underwear drawer should turn up a few examples :wink: Well i always seem to find something in that colour when im nosing about in such places

Pink would definatly look......................


Roy Archer

excellent response MarkTurbo hopefully if enough people explain how g@y it will look he may think again. Jonee if he speaks to you and says he wants it pink get someone to break it and post it back in parts!


Next time please ask me to shop a decent colour..i feel dirty!! :cry:


Well-Known Member
Roy Archer said:
excellent response MarkTurbo hopefully if enough people explain how g@y it will look he may think again.
Couldnt resist taking the p1ss earlier but i actually think that with a carbon bonnet, the right wheels, and the right shade of pink it would look ok :shock: 8)


MarkTurbo said:
Roy Archer said:
excellent response MarkTurbo hopefully if enough people explain how g@y it will look he may think again.
Couldnt resist taking the p1ss earlier but i actually think that with a carbon bonnet, the right wheels, and the right shade of pink it would look ok :shock: 8)
The first thought is generally to dismiss it out of hand due to the g@yness factor, but i am serious and would genuinly like to see a proper photo shop piccy of my car in a pale pink with black bonnet and black if anyone can help me out it would be very much appriciated.


New Member

we of the popular peoples R liberation front have warned you :D

we have your tyres, and are prepared to execute them one by one until you let it be known the cars not gonna be pink :D
