i know everyone rates quaife but this is a good deal.. im sure PAR will be suitable in my hands !!!!
Its only a good deal if it actually works!! I don't know if I was clear enough the first time....
PAR sell what should be good products but with shocking quality control and you will have to re-engineer their parts to work properly.
Quaife aren't perfect but PAR are IMO an insult to Engineering companies.
My personal experience was with some rods that were so mismatched in weight that the machine shop didn't want to grind anymore metal off and we settled for a 5g difference, similar to OE!. It would have been the easiest thing to try to match rods when they created a batch but they didn't. They also didn't check to see if the notch for the shell bearing was on the correct side. They looked nice but they simply didn't work without being re-engineered that cost time and money. Other people on here have had similar experiences where PAR promised so much and delivered little.
I've had personal experience with Quaife too and they aren't perfect but at least they supplied parts designed for my car
Its a free world so if you think you're getting a good deal with a PAR then try them as they might have improved. But I would recommend you do a search on PAR on this and other forums before you place the order.