painting inside car


Active Member
Started lifting up the sound decading today, wasnt actually as bad as i thot it would be ive done the back section and would say jim's method of a hammer and screw driver done the trick.


Active Member
I'll look at that at the end of the week and see what's the best option, proberly just put new sleeves or something like on.


Active Member
Still cleaning up the car to paint. I got my paint through today I bought black satin matt. I tested it the paint and I'm not to happy with the finish I thought it would have a bit more of a shine to it, so I bought some black gloss spray paint to try this. What kind of paint has other people done to theirs?


Active Member
Their is plenty of rough bits to hide lol, how did you find the total finish do you have any pics. It's hard to tell how it would look as I've just painted a bit of metal.


Active Member
It will prob look ok if the whole car is done, it's prob just cos I'm looking at a strip of metal. Think I'll just go for it.