Overheating Problem

GTI-R Nath

New Member
I was driving my car tonight and noticed the water temp gauge was all the way to the max, so i stopped, when i opened the bonnet there was allot of steam coming from the expansion tank, and it was full, and the water in it was boiling and spitting everywhere out the overflow bit, also noticed the oil temp was half way on gauge witch was allot higher than normal..

anyone got any idea what the problem could be, was thinking the radiator cap might of gone but knowing my luck it will probably be something allot worse.


dodgy thermostat, did you have enough water in to start with , have you changed the coolant recently if so could be an air lock, did you check your oil to see if it was creamy or was the waster brown and oily in which case headgasket. Also could have a split pipe some where

GTI-R Nath

New Member
The car seems to be staying at normal temp when im driving round town at 30 but as soon as i go any faster the temp shoots up, the oil looks ok but there was a small amount of whitish smoke coming out the exsaust at idle


Have you took the thermostat out and checked its opening, but white smoke can indicate head gasket on way out can't say for sure though :(