os giken clutch noise


New Member
hi guys i am the pround new owner of major sarcasms pulsar i am very pleased with te car and got it at a bargain price. i have 1 question about the os giken clutch. i have found that in neutral on tickover there is a noise which relates to the speed of the engine, i only just noticed it when my head was under the bonnet this eve. im pretty sure its from the clutch, also when inside the car when i depress the clutch pedal it makes a more metallic noise which also relates to the engine speed. what could this indicate, i know its not a great description but basically there is noise coming from the clutch. what could it be lol.


Staff member
What sort of noise??

ticking, grinding, whining, rattling

Does the noise change if the clutch pedal is pressed down ?

Like Mark says though, twin plate clutches do tend to be noisy anyway, mine is :-D
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yeah my clutch is noisy as ****, its just one of those things! unless it is posing a problem its probably nothing to worry about.


probs just the sound of the bearing spinning round.

One things for sure tho, you have a fantastic spec car for a damn good price ! Nice one :thumbsup: