Oil On Clutch

Matt Evans

Basically, I have an oil leak which I think is seeping onto my clutch some how and causing it to slip. If I sort the oil leak out, will the clutch be o.k., or will the friction plate be knackered?


I've always been under the impression that if the friction plate gets contaminated withoil e.t.c, that it is rendered useless.

Could be wrong though :?


sounds like your rear crankshaft seal it leaking, im afraid if the clutch has had oil on it it will be knackered mate. You could fix the oil leak but will still slip unless you buy a new clutch. But considering the work involved in changing the oil seal, you'd be silly not to replace the clutch while your at it. :wink:


Ive had oil on clutches in the past and ive always just cleaned them off with Thinners and they have been fine, once its slipped a bit the oil used to burn off i think, would probably replace i on the pulsar though as i hate taking the box off :cry:

Fast Guy

Staff member
Have you seen the oil for certain?
If not, check your clutch fluid level is ok, and then assume your clutch is on the way out :?

Assuming it's engine oil, I'd suspect the crankshaft rear oil seal as said above.
If it's gear box oil, then check the gearbox inputshaft seal.

Either way, I'm not sure if you can clean it up and reuse it. Just stick a new clutch in as you'll have to strip it to inspect it, but sort the oil leak first. :wink:

Matt Evans

I've checked the clutch fluid level and thats fine. Its definitely engine oil, but it seems to be coming from the head gasket or at least that sort of area around the bottom of the head. It only slips now and then, usually when I'm going up hill under moderately hard throttle. Then after a few minutes it seems o.k. again. I'm wondering whether a tiny amount of oil is getting onto the plate, just enough for it to slip, then gets burnt off?

I've heard of people boiling friction plates to get oil out of them, but I've got a good clutch up for sale anyway, looks like I'd better withdraw it.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Rocker cover gasket or the distributer driveshaft seal?

If it's either of them, fix the leak and see how the clutch goes, you may be lucky. There is a possility that the clutch is just on it's way out. :?