new wilwoods has anyone tried them?


im in a dilemma go for APs or go for these new wilwoods and save loadsa ££££. I know theirs been alot of problems with the wilwoods in the past but these are the new and improoved ones that the group buys going for, has anyone had them fitted? can anyone tell me if these are somethingelse or the usual wilwood crap?
thanks, here is a little write up on the new wilwoods,any feedback would be good.

The new Midilite four piston radial mount is the first of a new generation of Wilwood aluminium calipers produced from a drop-forged billet. This forging process produces a body design that provides higher strength and reduced load deflection superior to any cast or machined block billet caliper, combined with substantial x-bolting and extended flank design it is one of the stiffest, radial mount calipers currently available.

Most multi-piston calipers suffer from low speed caliper squeal caused by pad torsional vibration - The Midilite caliper features the unique Wilwood SRS (Squeal Reduction System) incorporating stainless steel pad retainers. These retainers eliminate the bridge wear caused by pad gouging and reduce the pad rattle/vibration harmonics which are the primary cause of the annoying ‘4-pot squeal’.

The clever quick change pad clip (patent under consideration), reusable by design allows ultra fast pad changes without hassle. The Midilite accepts disc diameters from 240 to 310mm, the low profile design allows maximum disc accommodation within a given wheel diameter, available to suit 21mm and 25mm disc width and piston sizes 1.75”, 1.5”, 1.38” and 1.25” allow a match with most stock/race master cylinders.

The caliper incorporates thick wall hard anodised pistons, is fully dust sealed and is supported by a range of Polymatrix pad compounds for street, rally and race applications


What is about you and posting in the wrong section all the time :?: :roll: .

You must of pm'ed me about 10 time's asking about Ap's :? Just get the wilwoods and be done with it :wink: .



kieron said:
maybe he just likes talking to you rob :lol:
Now you know that can't be true :shock: :roll: .

know one likes talking to me :D .



mate id rather not learn through trial and error as it costs ££££££££££££
so id rather learn from others. im convinced that the APs are top of the range but obviously wont mind if i can get away with the wilwoods and save £££££££££££££££££
what i dont want to do is buy the wilwoods and 6 months down the line go for APs!
as i said my car is 300bhp wana know if they are good enough, have heard nothing but trouble with the wilwoods their might be some change now with the new ones
sorry for posting in wrong sect

Mr Overboooost

AP top of the range well thats debatable :roll:



New Member
mohsan said:
have heard nothing but trouble with the wilwoods their might be some change now with the new ones
i was one of the first to get the 310mm kit and have nothing wrong with them. i think they are great value for money and know quite a few others who have had no problems with theirs.


New Member
im only going from what cars ive been in and seen the brake kits

wilwoods looked good on toms car today when i saw it the same ones that are in the group buy i believe

jonny H has 4 pot brembos and monster discs on his R, they look the business :lol:

AP's ive never seen any comments on these so cant really say , just from what ive heard from other people they seem to recommend the Brembos more than any other

if i had the spare $ id go with the wilwood group buy cant argue for that kinda money

think Jons brembo kit cost nearly £1k :shock: