new clutch probs


was told to go for an organic clutch to keep it gearbox friendly,and original feel. which without a doubt is true,but i also found that you have to skim the flywheel,or otherwise you will find on biting point in first and reverse you will get a horrible judder,which i can relate to.
is their anyone thta can give some advice and ideas on how to tackle this,how to?


Active Member

doesn't matter what clutch you fit..... skim the flywheel.

it doesn't cost much (£40 ish).

Take a little time to understand how a clutch works and you see why.

For years a rough grippy disc has been spinning thousands of times per minute against the solid steely masculine disc of the flywheel. The solid steely masculine flywheel gets marked by this constant abuse from it's irritating neighbour..... pits, lines and scores - but at least the neighbour wears out and dies.

Then you put a perfectly flat clutch plate to this pitted and battle worn flywheel.... it judders as it takes a grip of this new flesh.... wouldn't you??

So make ur flywheel flat before fitting a new clutch or get a nice Fidanza lightened example for about £100!


This has been a Pathetic Broadcast Production

GeeTee 8)


Cleaned mine with a bit of emery paper and white spirit(I think). Doesn't judder one bit :D