Nearly one less r on the road


gtir drew

well i have had a few brake problems for a while now. basicly it is locking up the front near side wheel, it won't put a great deal of presure to the other calipers.

If you remouve the each caliper indervidualy then press the brake it workes them and they get hot when driving around but just don't have much stop about them.

I have checked the suction valve that is fine, i have changed the fluid and bleed all the brakes still no diffrence. The ABS has the fuse out cos there is a problem with the offside wireing loom?? but that has always been like it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated????????????????????????

Fast Guy

Staff member
Do you have abs?

Is your brake fluid full?

Have you bled the brakes recently and maybe still have abit of air in there somewhere?

Try cleaning your brakes up (both sides) the best you can. It may be contaminated on one side with something.

The proportioning valve or master cylinder maybe faulty.

Or you could have a knackered suspension damper maybe?

Or it may be something else :?

gtir drew

yes it has abs but it has the fuse out cos there is a fault in the system.

i have bleed the barkes completly and im 100% sure there is no air in there

the brake fluid level is fine

i have gone round all the brakes and made sure they are clean and not seized

it seems to produce enugh brake pressure cos one wheel locks instantly and it puts a certain amount to the oters but it could be proportional valve where abouts is this?

i do have a knakered suspention dampener but would it cause all this ??

the dampener is thats knaked is offside rear, the offside front brake is not working properly and the nearside front brake locks up?

cheers Andy

gtir drew

ha ha ive found the problem. well i hope so.
i have a small leak in the off side front brake pipe

cheers for your help

Fast Guy

Staff member
gtir drew said:
i do have a knakered suspention dampener but would it cause all this ??
cheers Andy
It could do if the wheel isn't being held firmly on the ground and is hopping slightly, although I'd expect it to be the wheel on that damper that would lock. :?