Nackered Clutch!!




I went to reverse out of my driveway yesterday and found that I couldn't! (it initially went into gear ok but when I tried to engage it locked)

My clutch has been making a bit of a noise for sometime now and I think it's finally popped it's clogs.

The only thing that worries me is when I checked the reservour I found that the previously good hydraulic fluid that was in there had now turned into a horrible grey gunk. Now as for as I know there's nothing that should be able to leek into this.

So what on earth could be the problem?

I'm just hoping it's not my gearbox that's gone!



try putting some new clutch fluid in and rebleeding the clutch cylinder , you might find the clutch not engaging was low fluid or poor fluid not pushing open the release bearing


Ok, I'll give that a shot.

How do I go about bleeding the clutch cylinder?

It just seemed a little strange that the fluid should suddenly turn bad.


Not sure on the perfect way to get rid of old fluid but here's how i did it..

do you know where the slave cylinder is??
If you don't its to the right of the turbo bolted on the block with a small rod coming out up against the release bearing level sticking out of the grbox with rubber bit round it :oops:

Anyway on end of cylinder there is a bleed nipple (8mm i think) so loosen that off and get some container and get someone to pump the clutch till all the fluid is out, then fill fluid back up and get someone to pump the pedal as you bleed the air out then tighten it up.
That's how i did it at least and it worked fine :oops:



I spoke to a mate of mine who a mechanic and he seems to think that it could be the Master cylinder that's gone.

However he hasn't looked at it yet but that's what he reckons it is.

What do you think?

I still have a horrible niggly feeling that it could be something to do with the gearbox still. Because it goes into gear fine. Just when you try to engage it locks.

Imagin trying to push a car with the engine off and it in gear. That's what it's like.


YEs it could be the master cylinder or slave cylidner at fault
wont know unless you get someone who knows what they are doing look at it :cry:

does it go in gear fine if you have gnein off