limits of a internally stock engine


New Member
Hey guys just wondering every1s opinion of the boost limits of a
internally stock engine with upgraded fuel system....


Not an easy question to answer as every car is a different condition, so X boost in one car may be fine for Y years, but in another car Y-1 year.
It's generally considered that 1bar (with the correct fueling) is safe.
Some run as high as 1.4bar on stock internals. Obviously this puts a much greater stress on all the other of the cars components and also don't forget that any boost rise (even 1bar) will reduce the life of your car.
Your call...




OAP-R...i do not want to see this board degraded down to every one saying "search" whenever a question is asked.

Jap-jet you will have better luck if you posted in the right forum also with proper fueling you can run 18-20psi. The standard turbo wont last that long up there (Ey Memski :wink: ) but it will take it.


Sirnixalot said:
OAP-R...i do not want to see this board degraded down to every one saying "search" whenever a question is asked.

Jap-jet you will have better luck if you posted in the right forum also with proper fueling you can run 18-20psi. The standard turbo wont last that long up there (Ey Memski :wink: ) but it will take it.
how many times do we have to answer the same question or slight variations on the question before you tell people to do a search then?

just for info it`ll do 1.4bar for 36k then spend the day racing round a track at 1.6 if the fuelling is,my turbo wasn`t shagged contrary to what all the so called "turbo experts" seem to think.


well theres test in the states with the engine taking 500bhp on standard internals so it can b done with spot on fueling but the point is most peeps are turning the boost up after the cars done 50k ish and its all getting tired.if u do tests on all different standard turbos your gonna get different results just cos yours has lasted dnt mean anyone elses will u could of had the best looked after turbo ever who noes????


all im saying is dont become so cynical. If you get peeved seeing these threads post a rant about it in the Lounge or something. You were new here once aswell and i garuntee you asked a question that has been asked before...when i was new i did too. Thats the way this stuff works. Im not attacking you or anything so dont take it as a personal vandetta.

And for short bursts the turbo can handle it but extended i.e. daily driven 1.6bar use will finish it off in a few months...remember the standard turbo might be 10-14 years old


o and the standard turbo dnt hold the high boost anyway ive seen people running 1.6 and it drops to 1.2 at 5800rpm


I think the moderators should have a 'records' section for people to record whatever results they get running extra boost etc....

This would probably put a stop to the endless questions about the same thing and people having the frustration of being told to do a 'search'.

I tried putting up a similar post recently and had the same response as the longer serving members of the forum get asked this all the time..


samellio said:
I think the moderators should have a 'records' section for people to record whatever results they get running extra boost etc....

it's called the search function on the forum at the moment, also we don't have the time to setup a lot of things, all, well most :wink: do a lot for this club, a lot that people don't see, and havent time to do everything.

However if you would like to create this records section yourself, we will be more than grateful :)


Why not have a newbie section with all the most common questions answered and make them stickies ? How must boost... How long will it last... etc. Like the FAQ on the main site but with more specific questions. Anyone joining the board is reminded to check that section first before asking any questions.

And dont be too hard on the new guys - they buy their first gtir, come on the board asking a few questions and are usual met with abuse and sarcastic comments. Not a really good example to set, no matter how much it pisses regulars off. Better just not to answer at all I think than make out we are a bunch of know-it-all prima-donna assholes ( like on another Pulsar group I could mention ;) ) Which I once got berated on because my question was not 'technical enough'. I had the dare cheek to ask why 1 bar was the most common upgrade, because I wanted to know if it was the limit of the injectors / fuel pump / ecu / rods etc and what the limiting factor was. I wanted to know if it was possible to run at 1.2 bar, was their a limit set by the ecu at 1 bar ?, or were the rods weak etc ?. I'd only had mine for about 2 weeks and didn't know the first thing about the internals. All I got back was some sarcastic rant about it being a stupid question, comments from wannabe's who sounded like they could talk the talk but probably never even owned a fast car in their lives, only read lots of books. And it was because my question didn't specify ( and I quote ! ) whether it was a 'top fuel drag car running 10 second quarters' or 'a group 'A' rally car with a stage 3 head' and therefore they couldn't help me ! Never been back since, not worth my time for those sort of people. It really put me off Pulsars, and I thought if thats the kind of people who own them then maybe its the wrong car for me. I had to stumble along on my own for ages, with absolutely no info or help from anyone.

Then I discovered this place, which is much more relaxed, there is a lot more friendly atmosphere and everyone has a good laugh, and stopped me from selling my car and forgetting it altogether.


Ok no probs :wink:
I think all it would need would be :

Post: 'Boost Records'

message: please fill out the following:


Mileage covered at above boost:


Problems due to extra boost:

Driving style(fast road, track day etc):

I tried doing this in the post i mentiond earlier but not many replied..
Maybe if a moderator posted it we might have a better respone :wink:


Ps Edd i have found the search function on the forum to be very limited in its ability to find what i'm looking for :?


New Member
Sorry I should have been more specific, I am currently running Greddy TD06-20G turbo, Trust 40mm wastegate on a Greddy manifold, Rochester 800cc injectors on a custom fuel rail, Bosch motorsprt 600hp fuel pump, SX adjustable fuel regulator, Autronic SM2 ecu and 600x300x76mm bar & plate F.M.I.C with 3" piping, the internals are still standard (as mentioned) and I was wondering what people suggest as a reasonble level of boost to have it tuned at. It's not driven daily, just on weekends. I was looking at 1.2-1.4bar, or would 1.4 be too much?


I've driven 1.4 - 1.5 bar on stock turbo and internals for 6 months now, turbo just started to give way. Internals seem ok.


I think people underestimate the strength of the SR20 engine. How long has this engine been around for? YEARS n YEARS.

You just have the read some of the magazines showing people moding this every engine with some awesome turbos and huge amounts for power and have had their SR20 running like this for months or years, with no troubles. You also read reveiws as stated in this thread about tuners/researchers pushing the SR20 to 500hp or more on stock internals, with quite happy results.

Im my opinion it all comes down to correct fuel/air tuning, and with ur current system it sounds like your on the right track. If your wise about the potential of your car considering your modifications you'll be fine. If you came into this thread asking a question on the lines of 'my engine is stock, no upgraded ecu, tmic, or upgraded fuel pump... will it be fine to run 2.0bar boost forever?' that will be a different question.

Ive ran 17psi [1.2bar] for over a year now on stock internals, but only when I had some sort of tuning [in my case unichip] to handle it. Once I get my new turbo, install the bigger fuel pump, and finish off other little bits, and have my car tuned for that amount of power, then Ill be quite confident in running up to 20psi [1.4bar or so]

Fast Guy

Staff member
What gearbox and clutch do you have, standard or modded? With that set up I'd get the internals done and up the boost. :evil: :wink:


Coming up to almost a year now of daily commuting with a 1.4bar R. Hits max boost daily (and a little more on some occasions :oops: ). Turbo is actually ok, Nix :wink: Still wouldn't mind an upgrade though :p