Legal advice?



J44MAA said:
Tell him to **** off and hes not getting a penny then take your car somewhere else to have the work done properly. Simple as that :-D
the problem with that is as rob said you will endevor to cause problems and he WILL be able to take you to a small claims court to get the money that is owed to him, give him the task of repairing it one final time FOC and he may even write off what you owe him as a good will gesture


New Member
take your friend with you who specialises in the Rs to the place that fooked your car up and let him tell them what he thinks. the tw@ might take him more seriously if hes a mechanic incase he tries to feed you bullsh*t


You paid for a job and it hasnt been done correctly so simply you go back (take a friend or a tape recorder as said previously) and explain to him that he hasnt done the job you paid for and the remaining money will not be paid until they not only do their job correctly BUT ALSO fix what may have been damaged by their sh1tty work.. And if he has a bad attitude about it and basically says NO then your move is to name and shame the guy and his company and (if you have a witness/recorded conversation) you dont have to worry about him taking you to small claims as you will have some sort of proof that the job is not done...Dont pay anymore money though until he finishes the job..

Who are they??? :)