Legal advice?


New Member
Dunno if this is in the right room, but could it be moved if its not please

Basically I had my head gasket done a few months ago and when the company rebuilt my head, the shims were put back in the wrong order and now my head is more noisy than its ever been before....

I've spoken to another tuner, who specialise in SR20's and who is a friend of mine, but I havent gone to much into detail with him.

And he said that my rockers and maybe a cam lobes are now in danger of being damaged...

Now the problem I have, is that the guy that done the headgasket, said i could pay over a few month which I have been but I still owe him just under £500.... ( total bill was just over £1k:doh: )

Now my head needs the shims doing again:roll: , but where do I stand with the money I owe him?

He said he'll do the work on my car and he said he wont touch my car until the money is paid.

But I dont want to take my car back due to the fact i've lost all confidence in the company, and the way the guy has worded some private messages. Seems a bit arsey and all he is interested in is getting his money back, and dont care the fact that the work done at his company has ****ed up on my head.

What do I do:sad:


to be perfectly honest mate its tit for tat, he doesnt have to do anything on your car as you still owe him money for the first repair and if your not happy with him doing the work i would reccomend you go have a chat with him and see if you can cut your losses and dont pay him the rest of the money and have the work done somewhere else.

I very much doubt hes going to go for it tho, but if not you need to name and shame the company involved for poor repairs and hit him in the pocket where it hurts


New Member
Well surely if the job was incorrectly done the first time then it would be upto you to point this out immediatly so it could be rectified?

If you havent said anything then I dont see how you have a leg to stand on as they could just claim you've been fiddling with it yourself to cause damage.

Personally I wouldnt pay the rest of the cash and try and force the guy to re-do the job for nowt, then when the job is re-done pay up the rest and never return. If the guy refuses to do it then I dont see you having any choice but paying up and getting someone else to fix the mess out.


New Member
When I picked up the car, one guy said to me that the shims had been put in wrong but they will be a bit noisy. He said they would be fine so i left it.

But since driving it about the shims have got worse!:sad:


New Member
Radders said:
When I picked up the car, one guy said to me that the shims had been put in wrong but they will be a bit noisy. He said they would be fine so i left it.

But since driving it about the shims have got worse!:sad:
As soon as he said they'd been put in wrong I would immediatly told them to do the job again or ask for the car back and not pay them. I mean you pay them to fix the car, not get it running for a few months.

Is this a garage or a tuner, as in my experiences garages have no clue when it comes to Jap imports :doh:


New Member
Its a tuner. I have my car back from them and I still owe them just under £500, But from what I gather its going to cost me £300 to put right, So If I pay back the money I owe and then go and get my shims done, Im going to be way out of pocket:frusty: :frusty:


New Member
btw, Weather they offer to fix the car free of charge or not, I dont want to due to tha fact I have no trust in them!

I've since learnt that a friends car went pop on their rolling road too!


Radders said:
When I picked up the car, one guy said to me that the shims had been put in wrong but they will be a bit noisy. He said they would be fine so i left it.

But since driving it about the shims have got worse!:sad:
as john asid i wouldnt have accepted the car if it wasnt repaired correctly first time :doh: ,
I think you will struggle to get this repaired without having to fork out some more cash mate


New Member
But when I got the car back it seemed to run fine.... and with the guy telling me it "will be ok" i just took the car...

But since doing just over 2k in the car in that time, the shims have become very noisy, and worse at idle!


New Member
Only thing thats gonna work in your favour is that there a tuner, as they have a niche market then its gonna be the old threat of naming and shaming them, I would still tell them to take a run and jump for the remaining cash owed tho unless there asking to fix the issue FOC.


i would advise you name and shame mate, if their work isnt being carried out correctly and this isnt the first instance, i would also give everyone else a heads up about the company.

from experience bad comments travel and get heard a lot more than good comments, so i would give the tuner the option to repair the car free of charge and tell him you will keep quiet, the only thing these people undestand is £ signs, so put it to him that it will be worth his while to repair the car FOC


New Member
Would you seriously let them work back on your car after this though. Something I dont wanna do, just out of principle. Weather it be put right FOC. Id rather pay someone who knows what they are doing with the SR20


New Member
Tell him to **** off and hes not getting a penny then take your car somewhere else to have the work done properly. Simple as that :-D


Anybody can make a mistake and you really need to give them the opportunity to put it right, I'm sure that would be what any legal person would tell you.

You need to let them know you're not happy with the quality of their work and see what the say, If they say they want the rest of the cash first then I'd get a bit worried that they will just say f*ck off once it's paid, A good reputable tuner should be willing to listen to your concerns and act accordingly.



J44MAA said:
Tell him to **** off and hes not getting a penny then take your car somewhere else to have the work done properly. Simple as that :-D

If he does that he leaves himself open to a small claims court action, He needs to give them the chance to fix it first, If they say f*ck off that's a different matter, I'd also make sure I took a witness with me when I spoke to them as well or even slyly tape the conversation ;-) .



i understand what your saying but if they have f***ed up your car, i would give them the option to repair it FOC and if the repair isnt up to standard, then pay someone else to do the job properly


New Member
J44MAA said:
Tell him to **** off and hes not getting a penny then take your car somewhere else to have the work done properly. Simple as that :-D
Touche! :-D

And make sure you name and shame!!!

Plus I'm sure you could find ways of making them out of pocket! ;)