Just fit a BOV - now have much too much boooost!



Right, I got a SAAD BOV for the R. I followed the instructions on the website and put it all back together just as it was, and now my boost gauge reads off the scale the second I put my foot down. This is described in the guide if you dont reconnect a pipe... but I have so it shouldnt apply.

Clearly something is wrong but I have no idea what, I have double checked and all the pipes are connected as they were apart from the recirculation pipe which is now blocked off with the bung.

Any ideas?


Active Member
Might be a bit of a coincidence that this has happened at the same time as you fitted the BOV. Have you checked underneath the I/C to see that all the vacuum hoses etc are connected?



I've double checked the pipe that runs through the framework and it's all connected OK. This is on the top right hand side of the IC. I cant honestly see what else could be wrong

But im not 100% what all the pipes do. Anyone got a photo of the engine bay with stuff marked out?


New Member
as paz says check the pipe is connected, if its too much boost it is prob that

and yoru a braver man than me to fit one on ur lunch break :lol:


Guys that guide would be 100% more useful if there were some photo's to accompany it. Words like 'Plenum' mean sod all to me :roll:

Does anyone have photo's of their BOV setup?


geetee said:
did u accidently pull the pipe off the actuator?
That's what i'm wondering mate...

None of these pipes have the clips on them that they should so it's quite possible. But please any photo's you have which could be useful too me, please post.

Cheers all


New Member
right look down at the cars i/c

the shiny (well metal thing) at the back of the intercooler is the plenum

follow that down thats where the bov sits

i personally think uve knocked a pipe off as u rushed to take out the recirc valve

too much boost is a sign that there is a pipe not connected


No I checked... It's all connected including the pipe to the actuator

Not good...

I dont suppose it's possible I could have put the bung in the wrong pipe or something silly is it?

I put the largest hose on the DV, the middle sized hose with the bung and the tiny hose onto the top of the DV


Yes assuming that was the right pipe in the first place :lol:

On the standard DV there is a small pipe at the top for the vac hose, a medium size one in the middle going off a piece of metal than angles up, I put the bung into that pipe, and finally a large fat pipe at the bottom with a jubilee clip. I put the DV into that and did the clip up tight since the pipe was quite a big bigger.


I cant quite tell whats what from that photo.

Have you got the DV base connected the lowest, large pipe. Or the higher medium sized pipe?


Aha, that pic I can work with. No I still have it mate

See the tube in the middle which goes out and angles, I assumed that was the recirc tube and bunged the rubber pipe which connected to it.

I used the pipe at the bottom to connect to the BOV. Is that correct?


New Member
wtf? youve still got the standard re-circ in there?


it comes out :oops: :oops: :oops:

that will be why lol lol

that you just ditch

when you get home take some pics mate :wink:



I still have the standard recirc in my possesion, it's not on the car lol

I'm not THAT much of a n00b :lol:


Active Member
You should bung the one that goes back to the air intake.

Does the dump valve dump when you get this massive boost?

Things to check......

From front of car.

The plenum is the allow piece at the back of the head - which the intercooler pipe plugs onto at the right.

If you look at the back right of the intercooler you should see a small vac pipe running from the plenum to a little brass (coloured tube) which seems to stick up from the intercooler frame.

Looking under the right hand edge of the intercooler - you will find the far end of this brass pipe thing... there should be another vac pipe plugged on here. Be careful - you haven;t plugged the crankcase breather pipe on here have you? (I did :oops: ) The crankcse breather is slighty larger and kind of loops over in an inverted U shape and should just be clipped in the little plastic clip.

That should help!

The wastegate actuator valve is actually mounted on the right / rear of the turbo.


GeeTee 8)