Jap finals...what happened?


Dooie Pop Pop said:
LOU ROB said:
The 60's were still not my best at 1.9sec, but the terminal was 129.3mph.

But as Jiw said above, the track was pretty slippy :x

If the qeuing wasn't so big and I could of had another run or 2, a 10'sec pass would have been made.

But the gtir record for the pod now belongs to me 8)

And Jeff, the box still feels mint mate :wink:
what happened to Jason Gant dude?

i reckon you' d have made it easy if that headwind had died down a bit. it was blowing straight down the strip towards the startline :( sodding good effort though, you seemed to suffering from a lot of wheelspin :( maybe i shouldn' t say this but if you wasn' t such a sodding huge bugger you' d have got into the tens ages ago :wink: :lol:

only vid im waiting to see is Kierons one of Channy boys storming runs (if he got it) what a geeezer :lol: only joking dude :wink: your clutch even managed to outstink my ar5e :shock: :lol:

im sorting out my pics now, i have rather a lot so bear with me :wink: :lol: didn' t get home till 20:30 the M1 was sodding chocker for about 20miles :( :evil:
Jay couldn't get his new box in time, real shame because he would have upset a lot of the pro class.
The head wind was strong when I went out, but it took 3 hours of queing, and by that time, the conditions were far from perfect. around mid day would have been ideal :x
And I know what you mean stu, I'm not the smallest bloke in the world :wink:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
LOU ROB said:
And I know what you mean stu, I'm not the smallest bloke in the world :wink:
tell me about it! :shock: :lol: im sure you' ve got bigger since i said hi last time :lol: saw you by your car stuffing your face and felt a little intimidated :oops: i think the word 'bouncer' sprang to mind :lol:

at 9.5stone (133lb ish) i' ll happily volunteer to 'pilot' you shitbox anyday! :wink: :wink: :wink: :p

tbh i reckon you raised a few eyebrows (again) yourself today mate, that pro class is a bit vague, more like 'rich' class :lol: i cant believe the R has been left in a corner for so many yrs. its just so fooking RIGHT! :p

its probably because the lazy mofo' s cant be ar5e to pull the engine out every other week :roll: :oops: :lol:

00sid said:
there was acouple of other Rs that had good runs, a white one i think done a 12.45 dont know who they where though.
That was me :lol: Timin slip posted on this thread on page before.
Got 2 1.8 to 60ft and a 1.7 so from those times, and previous times at the pod, i'd say traction was normal :shock:

What did Andy run :?: I told him he should've gone out practisin the night before :wink:


Fast Guy said:
Don't worry I think I have them both :lol:

I met quite a few people today, but didn't see anyone whose posted so far in this thread :? (except Lou)

I thought the tuners cars seemed to be slower on the whole than last year. I only saw Norris hit 9s and not many low 10s even.

There were about 45ish Gtirs in the 2 club stands and I can only guess more in the general parking area. Where did you park Kirko?

All in all I had a reasonable day, just a shame once again there were so many cars (and noon jap cars) running 15s plus again (andy excluded :wink: ) at the exspence of faster cars being able to run :evil:

i saw you driving off the car park at the end of the day fast guy
when i was walking back to my missus' bmw :lol:
didnt take the 'R' :cry:
it was fun driving down early morning i was racing some poobaru convoy
pushing them down the fast lane in a diesel :lol:


New Member
LOU ROB said:
I'm not the smallest bloke in the world :wink:
you aint the best looking either :wink: :lol:

thought i was in a different country for abit sat there with you and your family when you started talking all that 'grlcchhhllkn hgskdjskd' welsh language of yours :wink: :lol:

bet they were all saying 'whos that stupid looking speccy tW@t' to you lou :lol:

nice to meet you fella, got the 11.2 on film if none of your lot got it.


New Member
deisel weasel said:
Dooie Pop Pop said:
only vid im waiting to see is Kierons one of Channy boys storming runs
a classic bit of motorsport commentary :lol:
Yeah thanks for the running commentary Kieron (knobber!!), I’ll make sure it will be dubbed over with something else before that vid ever make it on the net.

Well I suppose I better get my excuses in now before you lot let rip……..

Stock boost and ECU + big T4 turbo = CR4P times.

First run was a fook up but on the second run I dialled in 5k revs, dropped the clutch and all it did was burn the clutch and bog down…….not a happy bunny!

Going to run it at either 1.0 or 1.2 bar once the Power FC is fitted.

Apart from that great to put names to faces and meet a few more members.

Mark, send me the vids once you get a chance fella, I need a good laugh.

Ben, next time i'll go out the night before practing instead of drinking :lol:


New Member
Mr GTiR said:
deisel weasel said:
Dooie Pop Pop said:
only vid im waiting to see is Kierons one of Channy boys storming runs
a classic bit of motorsport commentary :lol:
Yeah thanks for the running commentary Kieron (knobber!!), I’ll make sure it will be dubbed over with something else before that vid ever make it on the net.
no problem andy :wink:

nice to meet you 8)

i think you may now hold the slowest recorded time ever, its between you and that nobber who did the terrible run of whatever it was in that banzia feature, have to hunt that magazine out now, see if we have a winner :wink: :lol:


Well-Known Member
Mr GTiR said:
deisel weasel said:
Dooie Pop Pop said:
only vid im waiting to see is Kierons one of Channy boys storming runs
a classic bit of motorsport commentary :lol:
Yeah thanks for the running commentary Kieron (knobber!!), I’ll make sure it will be dubbed over with something else before that vid ever make it on the net.
Andy, whats it worth for me NOT to post my vids of your excellent launch technique :mrgreen: Complete with Kierons hilarious commentary :lol:

Nice to meet you and everyone else that had the pleasure (or misfortune :lol: ) of meeting me 8)


New Member
a packet of cheese n onion crips and a can of coke, that’s all I have now I’m married LOL

Nice to meet you anyway Mark, even if you are TRYING to black mail me with a video (nothing new there then).

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
MarkTurbo said:
Mr GTiR said:
deisel weasel said:
Dooie Pop Pop said:
only vid im waiting to see is Kierons one of Channy boys storming runs
a classic bit of motorsport commentary :lol:
Yeah thanks for the running commentary Kieron (knobber!!), I’ll make sure it will be dubbed over with something else before that vid ever make it on the net.
Andy, whats it worth for me NOT to post my vids of your excellent launch technique :mrgreen: Complete with Kierons hilarious commentary :lol:

Nice to meet you and everyone else that had the pleasure (or misfortune :lol: ) of meeting me 8)
come on dude i wanna hear this commentary in the raw :twisted: type it if you cant post it :lol:
sorry didn' t call you back Kieron my phones not got a vibration thingy and seeing as id accidently switched on the camera in my pocket the fucking battery went dead :evil:

Mark you aint sooo bad, just like in the engine bay pic tbh except maybe a little uglier :lol: wasn' t sure what to say to an old timer member like you tbh, next time we meet i hope it' ll be over a few LARGE shandy bass' s 8)


Well-Known Member
Nice to meet you too Stu, even if it was only quickly :wink:

As i cant post the vid at the moment cos of my crappy pc :evil: heres the written version, the conversation started just after Andys textbook launch :lol:

Kieron: Has that thing got sound

Me: Yeah

Kieron: Andy Chan cant drive for s**t

Me: Sorry i couldnt quite hear that

Kieron: (even louder) Andy Chan cant drive for s**t

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'll try and get the vid up later on this week :mrgreen: Sorry Andy :wink:


Active Member
im already warming the camera for when kieron finally gets the weapon to the strip and realises hes never launched a car at the pod and now hes got a million bhp hes gonna stack it LOL


kierons still going to have a power to weight problem even with 600+bhp
and he gets larger every time i see him

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
ex-gtir said:
kierons still going to have a power to weight problem even with 600+bhp
and he gets larger every time i see him
:lol: pmsl :lol: he' s gonna be left behind then if Rishi and stokie get there ends together 8) :lol: 600bhp? pffff :roll: :wink: :lol:


New Member
i shall deal with you 2 mongs seperately :wink:

ashills said:
im already warming the camera for when kieron finally gets the weapon to the strip and realises hes never launched a car at the pod and now hes got a million bhp hes gonna stack it LOL
strategy allan, strategy :wink:

my cunning plan has covered the whole spectrum of eventualities and as such you will see amazing launches straight out the box :wink: far better than your hop, skip, jump approach demonstrated with the evo :p

the car will be going for extensive testing before it goes public :wink:

ex-gtir said:
kierons still going to have a power to weight problem even with 600+bhp
and he gets larger every time i see him
as for you numbnuts i'm on a diet already and have actually got my @rse on the exercise bike ( only once in the last 2 weeks though :oops: :lol: )

im like a weight lifter :lol: , my preperations will come into full effect weeks before its maiden voyage :lol:

now f.o.o.k off :lol:


New Member
Dooie Pop Pop said:
ex-gtir said:
kierons still going to have a power to weight problem even with 600+bhp
and he gets larger every time i see him
:lol: pmsl :lol: he' s gonna be left behind then if Rishi and stokie get there ends together 8) :lol: 600bhp? pffff :roll: :wink: :lol:
as for you you skinny little f.o.o.k, mike has clearly stated 600+bhp :wink: and dont forget it has nothing that isn't needed to go quickly :wink: so weighs far less than your average gtir 8)

as above...f.o.ok off :lol:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
deisel weasel said:
as for you you skinny little f.o.o.k, mike has clearly stated 600+bhp :wink: and dont forget it has nothing that isn't needed to go quickly :wink: so weighs far less than your average gtir 8) :lol:
except for you that is :lol: i reckon id only need about 400bhp and a strip to keep up :p :lol: besides mine will probably have corroded into a little heap before your cars ready :wink:


New Member
the problem you lot have, my mates included :roll: is that you just dont appreciate the amount of work or pure genius :wink: that is going into this car :p its not just your average build, its a work of art 8) , cunning plans are plenty and it has many unique features 8) , granted its taking longer than anticipated but its being done right and no stone will be unturned...

all thats left that nissan created is the basic shell, it doesn't really deserve to be labelled a humble nissan gtir anymore as most of what was original has been binned 8)

my car actually gives me a hard on when i look at it :shock: :lol: :lol: