It's that damn clutch again!!!



DOH!! I need help!! I think I've had the dreaded "clutch bracket failure" happen to my 'R. When I got in the car this morning I found that the clutch pedal had lost a load of pressure and there was a load of fluid on the clutch pedal and floormat. On the way to the garage the clutch gave up and I had to get a tow the rest of the way :(

The mechanics haven't taken a look yet by my current theory is that the "clutch bracket failure" problem has caused the master cylinder to crack and cause the fluid to leak out.

If this is indeed the case then...

1) Will the bracket replacement manufactured by StevePudney (linkage) work as a good replacement if the clutch pedal has broken off??

2) If only the clutch pedal and master cylinder are affected does the engine have to be dropped in order to replace the parts?? I want to make sure the mechanics don't spend hours doing this and charge me a load for labour when it's not necessary.

3) Can the master cylinder be replaced easily without having to replace the entire clutch. I assume that the cylinder is kept separate from the main body of the clutch.

As you may have noticed from my questions I am not a mechanic so please be gentle with any answers!! ;)


1) I think that is only a strengthening bracket to protect it in the first place, you will have to repair the broken one first or buy a new one and then fit the strengthening bracket to stop it happening again

2) You can change the master cylinder without dropping the engine, although I warn you it aint an easy job ! Be prepared for lots of skinned knuckles and swearing... :D There are lots of little techniques involving bent spanners and copper pipes etc, have a search through the forum for them

3) The master cylinder is a small piston that sits at the top of the clutch pedal, it is only connected to the actual clutch by way of a hydraulic pipe and slave cylinder - you dont have to change the actual clutch plate, it is in the tranmission housing at the right hand side of the engine ( looks like a big bell on its side ).

Hope that helps.


To be honest I don't think you have the dreaded clutch pedal bracket failure, as you're quoting the symptoms of the master cylinder seals going (which is very much a common problem on the 'R).

A new master cylinder is about £80 and while a bit of a pig of a job, can be done with the engine in situ. You can get a seal replacement kit, but it's not worth the hassle really.

The master cylinder is just part of the hydraulic system that activates the clutch lever, not part of the clutch itself so don't worry about that.

Steve Pudney's bracket is a good idea anyway, and as I doubt you've got the pedal bracket problem now's the best time to get one.


yeah sorry, my bad, I didnt read the bit about the fluid. Seals gone - new cylinder :D


Thanks for the info guys!!! I had the master cylinder replaced today and now my 'R is back on the road!! W00t!!!


How much did the the job cost to get done and how long did it take?
Might need to do one soon.
