Injector Help...


New Member
Hi guys,

I recently bought some 550cc injectors from ebay and got them delivered, my prob is that I have held these up to my current ones and they are thinner - so I'm thinking smaller.

The ones i currently have are only just fitting in terms of width - could these be uprated already??

Can anyone confirm if bigger injectors = wider injector?

I'm not the most knowledgeable and only going on common sense...

Anyone have exact width of injectors??

I know i could go part number and see then but said i'd put up here to see first..

Cheers all..


New Member
what colour are they? and what have they got written on them?im pretty sure my 550,s look a bit thinner buti know their deffo 550,s


New Member
They are just the standard silver colour, no particular writing on bjust part no on the connector area....
want to make sure they're right or ebay dude will be getting some abuse...

Can you confirm that your 550's are thinner then?


what is the plug colour mate, also the part number might be handy, jeff


New Member

RX7 4th generation
i not sure it FC 2nd generation but comfirm RX7 4th generation
purple colour injector