In need of EBC pad part numbers



The title says it all. I would like to know the numbers because I live in Japan and don't care to use overpriced pads that are not all that great. I used to use EBC pads on my '89 RX7 T2 and loved them over many other brands of pads. I can get EBC pads through America for less than half the price of the Japanese brand pads. If I call the comapany, they will not be able to help me because the GTi-R was never sold in North America. But if I am armed with the proper info it'll be easy for them to help me out.

I would like to know the part numbers for the Red Stuff and Green Stuff pads. If possible, could somebody also throw in the numbers for the disk rotors as well. :)

BTW, I have tried the search function but I still can't seem to find this info. Thanks in advance. :mrgreen:


Sorry can't help with the part number's matey :cry: .

But greenstuff pad's a rubbish :cry: :roll: .



Looking at the demon tweeks catalogue i have the following numbers:

Turbo groove discs: (gd691) £279.66

Green stuff pads: (2839) £42.77

Red stuff pads: (3839) £66.98

im presuming they are all fronts

jeff :wink:


jiw said:
Looking at the demon tweeks catalogue i have the following numbers:

Turbo groove discs: (gd691) £279.66

Green stuff pads: (2839) £42.77

Red stuff pads: (3839) £66.98

im presuming they are all fronts

jeff :wink:
They will just be the demon tweeks database product numbers, the actual part numbers will be different.

Anyway that’s immaterial as EBC are rubbish! :(


Thanks for the quick response everybody. I don't post much, but I do lurk here a lot just to get some info on this car. It seems that a lot of people have much respect this car over here, but won't touch it with a 10 foot pole. I know some people that had them in the past, but moved on to other cars after a few transmissions here and there. I got mine from an old friend for dirt cheap when I moved here last year and decided to make it into a decent gymkhana car. I'm slowly creeping up on all of those pesky EVO's and STI's. 8) I just need pads that'll be strong enough to let me spin my car around much easier.

I had no idea that EBC pads were loathed so. I used them when they first were released in the U.S. and know that potato salad lasts longer in the sun than they last on the track. But for 33pounds and cheap shipping I figured that they'd be about good enough. They gave me what I wanted compared to some other pads I used to use when I lived in the U.S. Right now my present pads have a lot of life in them. Unfortunately too much. They probably will last the life of the car because they offer next to no grip. My friend that owned this car previously was not into cars at all so the pads on it now are the long life ultra econo type. No fun. :oops:

My criteria is simple. I want it all without having to pay much to get it. :lol: Buying parts, whenever possible, from the U.S. saves me a lot of money. Japanese stuff is less expensive there than it is here sometimes. Bottom of the barrel (ones that barely could be considered performance pads) Endless pads start out at 45pounds per pair. The ones that fit what I want to get start at about 100pounds per pair. :shock: Most Japanese pads aren't all that great either. They use them over here because most imported parts in most typical shops have a dramatic markup.

I guess I will continue my search for pads. Thanks for the advice on EBC. I have no problem trying out new things to find which is best for me. Plus, I have no brand loyalties. Well, unless they care to start sending me free parts I have no loyalties. :wink:


New Member
i cant send you a free set of Endless pads , your right the ones you really want are about £100

however if you are "using" the car in spirited fashion dont use EBC's

Mintex maybe worth a look

however you waont get it all /performance and cheapness

one thing is always true , dont skimp on mods do it right , cos some day you wuill be hammering about and you pads wont stop/work

get a decent set

you have to have quite a bit of $ to keep one of them on the road in japan

im a litlte suprised u cant afford the extra for the pads?


i just presumed that the demon tweeks part numbers where that of ebc as the numbers for koni suspension etc are those the manufacturers use, they may be the correct maybe not, i had a hi spec kit on my escort :oops: and they supplied me with greenstuff, left nothing but this crud on my wheels and they wrecked the discs too so i wouldnt bother with them again :roll:


It won't be seeing too much street driving and the competition that I go to lasts for about 90 seconds or so for one time out. I need a pad that'll by good from 50C on up. It will not be seeing glowing rotors by any means however.

I'm cheap to a point. I just want a lot for my money. The Japanese pads are generally good for street cars and what not, but I've always found them to be too much money for too little quality and performance.

Keeping a GTi-R going over here isn't that bad. The main problem is the lack of GTi-R's ever made. Not much support for them here compared to other cars made by Nissan (cough, cough S13 and S14 :roll: ). Plus, buying a used Evo or Impreza is easy. They outnumber GTi-R's 100:1 it seems. More than enough aftermarket support for them too. They, like most used cars here, are relatively inexpensive. It can be expensive to keep an old car on the road here if you do not do you own work. The inspection on cars happens once every two years (on older cars) and they are very strict. Any signs of leakage or seepage from anything will fail you. Fix it or junk it. For those that are not into cars, they just move on to other cars. Car guys keep them going.

That being said...I wish I made the money to not care, but I do all my own work short of internal tranny work. Rather than go with what is easily available down the street, I'd rather get a pad that is known to perform for a decent price. A 100pound set of pads will not necessarily be twice as good as a 50pound set.


New Member
understand abotu the "shaken" tests (spelling?)

anways when the pads in question are greenstuffs, my feet woudl be better stopping power ina "fred flintstone " fashion

honestly dont get them they are crap :oops:

Mr Overboooost

try the ebc red stuff pads as they now have a new ceramitallic compound which has made them a lot better from cold as they used to be really cr@p



Well, I have been sucessfully swayed away from EBC. :lol: I will never speak of them again. So I'll try to figure out what else I can get. The brands that have been brought up are not locally available. I have to weigh the convenience of getting something locally against going with something I have to order from abroad. :?: Thanks for the help so far.