I want to cry...


Staff member
I got my second opinion and it went something like this...

Christ this is a long list... this tester has had VOSA up his arse recently, but I can't say it's wrong... harsh but valid; it's his opinion.
You're looking at a worse-case of £500 to get this sorted, but I'd spend the long weekend under the car with a wire brush. Clean up those brake lines and protect them with grease, not any kind of undercoat or sealer, then they'll probably pass. The rear arch you can cut back and fill. It won't be pretty but it's the rough edge that makes it a fail. The floor, try sanding it back and treating it. It's mainly surface rust... but those box sections need to be done... and don't try taking the ARB off; it will still fail and you don't want to drive the car without it.
Why don't you take it away and do some of these, then we can talk again next week.

So I might have a go at getting some of the easy stuff sorted; where he doesn't think it needs to be cut out, then take it back to get those ARB mounts sorted... and let him take it to be MOT'd somewhere else.
In the interim, I'll have to drive it down to East Sussex to collect my mum's car (which is locked in a garage), then drive back...

I'm still considering reshelling, but it's a big job so I'll see what is said when I've cleaned it up a bit. If it's still not going to pass, then that's the end of it; £500 is the cost of a rolling shell... but if it's going to be ~£150 just to get that box section fixed, and the rest is not as bad as all that, then I'm back on the road pretty quickly!


Staff member
So... the car was re-MOT'd elsewhere on the weekend. Still a fail (which I was expecting), but not quite as bad this time... only one page to deal with.
I don't have it with me, but from memory:
  • The tyres failed, but I didn't bother to buy new rubber when I knew it was going to fail anyway.
  • The ARB mounts failed again, but I expected that.
  • Steering is no-longer "rough".
  • Brake lines are no-longer "corroded"
  • Floor pan is no-longer rusted within 30cm of a mount.
  • Front arch no-longer has rust within 30cm of a mount.
  • Rear arch is now failing with rust to the inner-arch within 30cm of a mounting point... well I can't deny that one.
  • I now have an exhaust leak... but I figure that's probably the join, and I didn't do it up tightly enough.
  • Sidelight inoperative... I think the bulb has fallen out of the light to be honest. I've had a problem with that before.
Anyway, that's not nearly as terminal sounding, so I'll get a quote on getting that cut-out and fixed... when I see the quote, then I can decided on reshelling.

Whilst I'm at it; where's a good place to get some KJ7 in a can? Most of the places I've asked say "Nissan Gray" when I ask about it... and I say "No, White Marble", to which they respond "marble is sort-of gray", and I show them a picture of my VIN which clearly says KJ7, and is in an ivory engine bay... and that's normally the end of the conversation.


dont know nothing about painting mate but i think ivory is a three stage pearl or something?? mabe thats why you cant get it in a tin...mind you that sentence could be a load of crap!!