How economical are pulsars?




I am thinking of purchasing my first pulsar. I am slightly concerned about how economical it would be for me. If i get a pulsar i will be travelling in it everyday from leicester to Northhampton where i work and i just wondered how much it would cost for me to to fill up to get to work and back everyday? I currently have a 1.6 Golf petrol and i fill up £10 to get from work and back. It is roughly 60 miles to work and back.

Any info would be helpful:-D

Fusion Ed

Active Member
I drove one from Sheffield to London. Not breaking any speed limits and got better than 30mpg. Ok it was granny driving but I was surprised how good it was.


gunmetalgtir said:
About £20 to £25 pounds would cover 60 miles depending on how you drive.
Don't be daft :shock: , 60 miles wouldn't cost £25 :doh: .

If you drive normally then I can't see it costing more than £15 max;-) , My modified pulsar would be a different matter though :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

But even then I did a 1200 mile round trip on a £190 with 400 bhp.



New Member
I will get on average 220 to 250 miles to a ful tank with average driving and the tank will cost approx £45 so divide that roughly by 4 and for 60 miles you will spend approx £12. These figures are based on a stock R with only mild mods.



gunmetalgtir said:
So if you drove foot to the floor for 60 miles it wouldn't cost you around £25? Remember petrol is over £1 a litre.

I did say driving normally did I not :doh: :roll: , On a stockish R it still shouldn't cost £25 to drive 60 miles even flat out :der: .

I reckon £12 is spot on for that distance deiving with care ;-) .

I once got over 300 miles out of a full tank on mine when I only had 311 bhp.



rx jamie said:
also if you've just bought an r' you will find it impossible to drive sensibly

Well maybe he isn't an immature 17 year old :doh: , Some of us can indeed drive very sensibly when the need arises :roll: .



tbh mate, if your gonna use it as an every day vehicle and are worried about fuel costs, then its not the car for you.

stick to something more mainstream and un-turbo'd, these cars are not cheap to run by any lenghs, that doesnt just go for petrol consumption either;-)


Active Member
If you're worried about petrol costs, i'd also be concerned about insurance costs. The petrol will cost you roughly £60 per week, or £240 per month. Depending on your age you can quadruple this cost fairly easily for insurance!


Active Member
I agree with Ant and Rob. I put around £10 a week (week days that is) in mine, and I'll get 40 - 50 miles from that, with 'city' driving and very short journeys. Most of that is off boost though, and below 3k rpm as, it hasn't warmed up by the time I've finished the journeys. :lol:

And I too have got just over 300 miles out of a tank on a few occasions, when using the motorway. ;-)


Active Member
gunmetalgtir said:
:shock: :shock: :shock:

Want to swap for a Pulsar? :lol:
Great little cars but being 34 i was looking a little funny in that little rice rocket.. wanted a Big boys Toy and the pulsar fits that space..


New Member
saddler said:
Great little cars but being 34 i was looking a little funny in that little rice rocket.. wanted a Big boys Toy and the pulsar fits that space..
Eh? Did you not just say you had a starlet mate? It's a Pulsar that I've got! Oh and I wouldn't swap it for a Toymota :doh: :lol: