HKS Cams

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
at over 1000rpm it does sound almost normal. not really what you buy cams for though :lol:

mine was ticking over at about 850-900rpm btw


kyepan - yeah very true, we'll have to see! :wink:

dooie - nope, not what you buy cams for!lol! :lol: but they do sound nice like that! heh heh! I just wanted to make sure its not gonna be too lumpy. 8)


Justin- we put a different bov on bretts car the other day, which were a little sus to whether its leaking as the idle has dropped to about 900rpm with it on, and it is a lot more lumpy now, but not sure if thats cos iots overfueling? maybe it does have hks cams in it after all?! :oops: :lol:

Bretts struggling to fit a stainless 200sx manifold on it atm! looks good tho! Im sure he'll get there in the end! :wink: