Help with JUN Cams and HKS 87mm pistons



Hi everyone

Have just purchased a set of HKS 87mm pistons and JUN 264 cams from Greenline Motorsport and am having differculties finding the relevent infromation for the engine builder and need help ASAP. Ive looked all over the net and nobody seems to know.
Firstly the JUN Cams came with instructions but are of course in Japanese.
I need to know stuff like tappet clearances and if anything needs to done to the shims. (have contacted JUN Japan about a month ago but as yet to reply)
Secondly the HKS pistons which came with no fitting instructions, i have found out most of the relevent information like piston to bore clearances 0.020 to 0.030 ??? and the mersure point on the piston to be the skirt, but where exactly on the skirt, top bottom middle ??

Would appreciate any help

Matt S

P.S. have contact GREENLINE for help with info but they are as well reluctant to contact me in a hurry.


I have the same cams and pistons.

I had some instructions for the JUN cams translated. Im at work at the moment but will dig the info out you need later.


Staff member
For my HKS pistons I just handed over the instructions to the machine shop and let them get on with it so I can't help you there. For the cams, the valve clearances should be the same whether its HKS, Jun or OE. I posted the page from the GGON website the other day on here. That will tell your installer everything he needs to know. If not browwse back through the pages and on the GGON site as there will be more stuff about cams and pistons.

Prepare to need new shims though and prepare for a wait to get them.



re help with JUN Cams and HKS pistons

Hi there

Thanks alot fellas, really appreciate your help and support

Matt Silva



Hi there JIM

Jim is there any way i can get a hold of a copy of those fitting instructions for the HKS pistons????.
If not really appreciated your help.

Thanks once again.

Matt Silva