help me pls!


New Member
Right its not often ipost in here

problem: car blows a gasget (turbo) at going to 1bar

car sits on drive for nearly 2 weeks, started 3 times, twice it starts, but after abit of turning it over,

last friday went to take turbo/mani off didnt start , but thought id flooded it so proceeded anways (cos it was started for 30secs or so before)

manifold / turbo come off, gasgets replaced,

car wont start


Battery fine, Alternator Fine

Fuel Pump Primes

Fuel Pressure guage says its fine (And you can hear it)

spark to Plugs

Dizzzy ok

Drop Resister OK too, (tested another from working GTIR cheers Jon)

wtf is wrong :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


Active Member
If the starter motor is turning over, and all the engine gasket probs etc have been fixed try this:

If you have a turbo timer, turn it off. Turn over the engine but keep the accelerator pushed straight to the floor, don't pump it just keep it depressed. After a few seconds you should hear the engine starting to want to catch - mine does it after 10 seconds or so. This has only happened to my car once though.

Hope this works.



New Member
paz said:
If the starter motor is turning over, and all the engine gasket probs etc have been fixed try this:

If you have a turbo timer, turn it off. Turn over the engine but keep the accelerator pushed straight to the floor, don't pump it just keep it depressed. After a few seconds you should hear the engine starting to want to catch - mine does it after 10 seconds or so. This has only happened to my car once though.

Hope this works.

stu is going to help me too :wink: ta mate!

aye ive a blitz timer,

i thik its "flooded"


You done anything to the fuel system when taking the turbo/mani off :?:

Are you deffo getting fuel into the pots?????



New Member
the fuel system has not been touched at all

only things come off,


A/C pipe lost, (pump etc still there)

Manifold off,

Turbo off with actuator

Thats it


When you turn it over is it trying or just completely dead? if it is completely dead check all of your injector wiring, you might of knocked a plug loose or something, i knowckd the plug out of the alloy covered relay on the passenger side turret but noticed it, jeff :wink:


Active Member
so your saying you,ve got spark and fuel, yet it worn,t start?
done compression test? did you disconnect lambda sensor?



New Member
zia said:
so your saying you,ve got spark and fuel, yet it worn,t start?
done compression test? did you disconnect lambda sensor?

aye ive spark in the plugs, leads, dizzy is a ok

lamba sensor is in

turns over ok , its turnning over its not dead yet it wont start

it was fine last week, just had a blown gasget, started twice, then went again noting changed turbo etc

it happend BEFORE the turbo.mani came off

battery is fine etc


i mean is it turning over and trying to ignite fuel, i.e popping from the exhaust mate, jeff :wink:


Active Member
pull the plugs out and have good look at them if they are drenched in fuel?
if they are, get spare set. before fitting them crank engine over a few time should notice air blowing through plug holes. fit new/spare set. don,t give it any gas and crank it!



sounds like it is flooding or a weak spark, you tried the jump leads, sounds silly but you may be using all of the power cranking the car and not enough to spark, like i said try heating the plugs, this will burn off the fuel in the bores if its flooded, jeff


Then again by the time you put the tmic back on the plugs will be cold lol, forgot we have them sodding things, jeff :wink:


New Member
aye its got a new set of plugs in it last week NGKs

stu thinks its caked/flooded the plugs too the amount of times its ticked over

ive a spare used set (the old ones taken out last week) will try that

tried jump starting it, it wont have it :roll:

Fast Guy

Staff member
Is it a good spark, or a weak spark? :? Maybe you ignition amp's gone and the spark isn't as ok asit looks :?


New Member
Fast Guy said:
Is it a good spark, or a weak spark? :? Maybe you ignition amp's gone and the spark isn't as ok asit looks :?
dont know how good teh spark is mate, it wasnt me who tested it

think its flooded thou :cry:


New Member
:D Hi Matty,told ya it was good fun at 1bar :lol: :lol: :lol: As Zia say's mate,probably stale petrol in the cylinders,whip your plugs out,wang it over a few times with them out,then drop the spare set in :D Should do the trick mate :D To dry your other plugs out,put them in the oven for about half an hour :!: