Has my clutch gone??



my clutch (standard as far as im aware) :? is very heavy and often crunches into 5th :shock: gear also sometimes whines when pulling away in first gear. as the clutch is heavy it often means i crunch the gears when giving it some "heavy right foot'' :D anyone got any ideas? After all i dont wanna look silly again when i cant outdo an mr2 cos i miss 4th! :oops:


i'm also getting that whining sound when oulling away in first but i have been assured its not my clutch but more likely gearbox and should probably the gearbox oil changed before making further assumptions.

Hopefully someone else from here can shed some light on the whining sound.


my bro's work colleague at ford said gearbox oil was fine and says clutch is on way out but as he is a ford mechanic and has probably never seen or driven a gti-r before id prefer a 2nd opinion from a "r" owner


Im no R expert, but im a mechanic and it sounds more like a release mechanism problem. Have you tried bleeding the fluid to see if it makes any difference. Wouldnt account for the stiffness though. Perhaps a master cylinder problem.


ive not looked at the master cylinder (not even crossed my mind to be honest) but as this is my first r i dont know what the clutches usually feel like although i am aware that they are much heavier than your standard road cars as i am led to believe the standard clutch is/can take 600kg whatever that means!


Try bleeding the clutch. Done mine a couple of weeks ago due to the slave cylinder pipe going, the fluid was black! :shock: Pedal feels much smoother, worth doing!


cool ill try bleeding the bitch and see what she says cheers trev-R


Gonna try not to scare you here :D

Right, Pretty much all pulsars have a "slight" wine in 1st gear.. Its not loud but it is just noticeable.. If its a loud wine and you can also start to hear it through second and third then im affraid it could be the input shaft barings in the gear box :(

Does the car always crunch into 5th or is it just at higher speed, say 80 or 90mph +..??? If its just dong it a higher speeds then the syncros could be on there way out.. :(

Try changing the oil regardlless and see if it makes any difference at all. if not then at some point soon you may have to bite the bullet and get a new box. :( Ideal time to change the clutch aswell tho if the box is off :)

Good luck with it anyway mate



i've only noticed the whine in first and it tends to be only if i ride the clutch a little :? How Easy is it to change/bleed the gearbox oil?
It does tend to only crunch when over 60/70mph unless i the revs drop right down before going into 5th


Staff member
Right, Pretty much all pulsars have a "slight" wine in 1st gear.. Its not loud but it is just noticeable.. If its a loud wine and you can also start to hear it through second and third then im affraid it could be the input shaft barings in the gear box
Or it will be a chipped tooth on a gear. Either way try to remember your car is between 11 and 15 years old now and at some stage in it's life, to a greater or lesser degree had the crap kicked out of it. The whine is usually only associated with 1st gear and then only when it's properly selected and your moving, it should go by the time your select second, if it's happening when your riding the clutch (tut, tut) then I suspect your clutch release bearing is worn.

As far as your selection problem goes it's more likely to be a selector fork is slightly nakerd or your syncro's are on there way out

If you do bleed the clutch fluid off and find it's black then that's because the rubber valve in the master cylinder has hardened off over time and is now breaking down, if this happens the symptoms will be poor selection through all the gears, and the only option I would recommend is to have the master cylinder replaced (not a job I would recommend for inexperienced diy mechanic).

In my opinion the only long term solution would be to have the gearbox removed, stripped, inspected and if necessary any faulty parts repaired.

Then whilst there at it and the engine and gearbox is out they can easily replace the clutch master cylinder.

Welcome to GTi-R ownership - when they're good there fantastic but when they're bad they're really bad - cheap to buy but you will spend your every last penny trying to keep it on the road


New Member
The whine is more than likely from the front diff, this is reasonably common on the R, some have it more prominantly than others, this is actually one thing you should look out for when buying the R, it could if bad enough potentially cost you ££££.

Check the fork that goes into the gearbox for cracking or any bending, this may cause your clutch to not engage far enough to select 5th. I had mine snap in two pieces, and by the sounds of it a few others have had the same prob. Check your clutch fluid.

If you have been cruching the gears, and of course if you are able to afford it, change the box oil. Try changing the diff (front and back) oil too as this may quieten down the whine. I checked mine not so long back for the first change and found that it wasn't filled to the correct level i.e. not enough. Do a search for peoples opinions on the best oils for the jobs.

Goodluck, Ant. :wink: