GTIR or 180SX



After asking a few questions on this forum about GTIR's ive come to seriously consider them.

Although ive heard theyre quite dangerous, im not so sure about the truth of that statement.

Anyway, its come down to 2 cars that ive seriously considered. Those cars obviously being the GTIR and the 180sx.

If anyone could give me some comparison between these 2 it would be great. I know they have the same engine so would the parts be all the same?

Would they have the same reliablity because they have the same engine or are there otherthings to take into account also?

Which would be more dangerous/Safe?

Comparison being Stock GTIR vs Stock 180sx, disregarding potential and speed.
Theyre both good enof for me stock :) lol. For now anyway.

And i hear that the initial shock of the speed of GTIR's are quickly you get over it really quick. would this be same for the 180?

Soo yeah any advice would be nice :). Jus comparing the 2 to see which would be a better choice in the end.


Fire & skill

Vintage member
different engines mate - unless you get a very late s13. the s13 is 1.8 ca18 whereas the gtir has the 2.0l Sr20.

totally different cars as well - obviously one is RWD and the other is AWD. the S13 uses a T25 turbo, GTiR uses a T28.

from experience the RWD car is more dangerous


All JDM S13 180sx's are fitted with the SR20DET, its only the uk spec S13 with the crappy CA18DET.

3 of my friends have these cars (one actually owns a sil-eighty variant) they're lovely cars for a bit of dori dori action and handle very well with the right suspension mods.

I would say the 180 is probably more rewarding to drive, what with it being RWD with fair power back there!

I much prefer the Gti-R, but thats because i like 4WD vehicles!

Both quality cars in my opinion



New Member
abs said:
Although ive heard theyre quite dangerous, im not so sure about the truth of that statement.
What do you mean by dangerous?

As already pointed out both engine's are very different - CA18 (RWD) v's SR20DET (AWD) as well the way they sit in an engine bay, one is transverse and the other horizontal.


New Member
If your worried about danger then I'd say time to look elsewhere as both lack any sort of safety devices!

Personally I think the choice comes down to whether you prefer a bit of drift action or car that handles on rails.


ABS if your after a s-body 180sx i know of a wide body one that will in very soon pm if you want more info.


thanks for the reply guys.

I jus assumed 180's have the same engine coz my friends 180 has a SR20DET in it lol, but i guess thats the jap version as previously mentioned.

im not TOo worried about the danger i just want to compare both cars, in lotta aspects, safety being one of them. I figured since the GTIR was AWD thatd be safer than the 180 coz of the RWD's rear having a tendency to drift out wen driving which isnt somthing i want in daily driving when wet lol. It happened to my friend n he didnt exaclty want it to happen, almost cost him alot but lucky damage wasnt to much.

Well yeah, this all came from a convo with a friend lol. ive been wanting to get a GTIR n ppl are suggesting 180's to me n their main argument was that GTIRS were "deathtraps", n so i wanted to see how a 180 would compare, n it seems both cars cant garuntee complete safeness (as no car can) but would it be a fair statement to say since the GTIR is AWD it would have a better chance of not sliding than a 180 in the wet?

thanks again

Fire & skill

Vintage member
the GTIR is not a dangerous car, it only becomes dangerous depending on who is at the wheel. the only issue is the standard brakes - apart from that you will have no problems with the car safety wise


New Member
180SX have SR20DET ( to 1997)
200SX have CA18DET ( to 1994)

An import 180SX is a good buy, they tend to be low-rust with good chassis, as a lot of the UK S13's are rusty.

Compared to a GTiR there is nothing "close" between them, one is RWD and 1 is AWD, the differance is night and day. What sort of driving experiance do you want?


Active Member
I think you need to understand that the car itself isn't dangerous, it's the person behind the wheel. The reason why 'people' assume that RWD cars are dangerous is due to lack of understanding and driver skill. Of course the RWD car will lose it's back end if you plough into a bend at warp factor 5 in the wet. A front wheel drive car will do something similar, if you get the weight shift wrong, as will an AWD car.
You just need to drive the car to your skill level and the prevailing conditions.

As for what's best out of the two, only you can decide that as, you're the one who's going to be driving it.
Personally, my needs in a car have shifted now I'm a bit older and I'm no longer interested in out and out pace. I'd much prefer a car that can go round corners well and generally help me improve my driving skills. That's why I'm going for a 350Z for my next car. Although it's still fairly quick in a straight line, it will also handle very well and, I'd imagine, be more fun to drive.

What you need to do is go and test drive both cars. Only that will give you an accurate idea of what suits you best !

Horses for courses.



New Member
tomble said:
All JDM S13 180sx's are fitted with the SR20DET, its only the uk spec S13 with the crappy CA18DET.

3 of my friends have these cars (one actually owns a sil-eighty variant) they're lovely cars for a bit of dori dori action and handle very well with the right suspension mods.

I would say the 180 is probably more rewarding to drive, what with it being RWD with fair power back there!

I much prefer the Gti-R, but thats because i like 4WD vehicles!

Both quality cars in my opinion

There are 180sx In japan with CA in them. I just hepled my friend gut his car and shipp one to the states a year aggo.


New Member
Yep, there are very early 180SX with the CA18 too :nod:

RWD cars are rewarding, and require different driving skills to a AWD car.


hmmm ic ic fair enof.

makes sense.

I guess ill take ur advice, n test drive them both to see which feels better.

Thanks for everyones help :)



first time ive ever heard of an r being called dangerous:lol:


pulsarboby said:
first time ive ever heard of an r being called dangerous:lol:
That seems to be a common mis-conception. Alot of guys in the scottish borders who havent owned R's all talk about how dangerous they are (even more so the people who have never even been in an R :shock: nevermind driving one) but i think that is down to the fact that a couple of hobnobs who had R's used to try race them around Kelso roads etc at rediculous speeds (inevitably writing them off) and so any car driven like these wonders of nature did would be coined dangerous but it just comes down to a few muppets that far exceed their driving ability - Lauder boys ;-) :lol: :lol: (incase they are on here)

But thats not saying much as most the lads down here couldnt walk with a zimmer frame without writing it off:shock: :lol:

Buy an R!
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