Gtir + modding = telling porkys to the wife


Over the years i've had to tell a few little white lies about what i've done to my car and how much i'm spending.....after getting busted by my chick a few years back i've now started modding again (update in members section) and therefore the need to tell a couple more porkys has cropped up again :?

I need to know i'm not alone in this so my question is how many porkys have you had to tell your wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/husband regarding the amount of money you spend/owe as a result of starting on the slippery slop that is Gtir modding and how much have you actually spent verses how much she thinks you've spent.



New Member
fear not :lol: you are not alone :wink:

i'm quite lucky as mines sort of given up worrying about it 8) only every now and then do i push my luck :lol: , change of plan gearbox wise being the latest idea which got commented on, even got her mum involved :roll:

i of course had my counter attack planned for such an event 8)

She did say not long ago that the yellow car has gone past the point of no return and i'll have to finish it 8)

i just dont think she realises what finishing it is going to involve :shock:


New Member
:lol: :lol: :lol: my wife found out approx 1 month ago that i was up to about £17k spend on my rebuild since my r came off road. :oops: :shock: i thought she would go nuts but when we spoke she wasnt bothered in the slightest as she had not gone without anything since i started my restoration and said if i earn the money from overtime to spend it how i like as long as she gets the occasional treat. 8)

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :!: this reply was better than i could hope for :!: and i told her when the r is back on road in march and i aint spending out i will take her on a big shopping trip. :wink: :roll:

funnily enough she acceppted straight away :roll:

Fire & skill

Vintage member
well my missus just gave me access to the joint account to buy a new R 8)

so i'm not about to spill the beans on how much ive spent in the past! :lol: but there has been a lot of porkies :wink:


New Member
dump valve change on the black one was amusing,

she ordered me not to change the bailey that i originally brought even though i hated it the minute i put it on,

2 weeks later nice new turbo xs jobbie turned up at my mums :wink:

got it fitted whilst Beck was out 8) , picked her up and she noticed it sounded different :shock: , told her it had a screw to adjust the noise :wink: :lol:

about 5 mins later the f.cuking thing fell off and she thought she'd see if i needed any help and instantly noticed it was completely different :shock: :lol: :lol:

got told i was a c.o.c.k :lol: followed by the silent treatment :? :roll:


New Member
deisel weasel said:
dump valve change on the black one was amusing,

she ordered me not to change the bailey that i originally brought even though i hated it the minute i put it on,

2 weeks later nice new turbo xs jobbie turned up at my mums :wink:

got it fitted whilst Beck was out 8) , picked her up and she noticed it sounded different :shock: , told her it had a screw to adjust the noise :wink: :lol:

about 5 mins later the f.cuking thing fell off and she thought she'd see if i needed any help and instantly noticed it was completely different :shock: :lol: :lol:

got told i was a c.o.c.k :lol: followed by the silent treatment :? :roll:
:lol: :lol: some how they never miss a thing


Well-Known Member
In the 3 and a bit years of owning my R i can honestly say ive never had to worry about covering up the amount i spend on it from the missus 8)

But thats only down to the fact that ive never been with anyone long enough to have to worry about it :lol: :lol: :lol:

I finished with my latest girlfriend last night :( :( I was doing well too, we'd been together for 2 1/2 weeks :lol: I had to get rid of her though for exceeding my WTL (woman tolerance level :wink: ) Shame cos she actually liked my R and filled it with fuel for me so i could take her out and drive like a loony 8)

Oh well, time to get the w**king sock out again :shock: :(


New Member
Ive never really had to lie about mods.Sometimes ive been economical with the truth "yes my car does need a different turbo(hks3037) love,the old one was doing something strange to the fuelling and the new one will help with economy".Still havent told her there is a risk it might drop its guts when getting mapped :shock: :lol: .I,ll cross that bridge when i come to it though.


New Member
Fire & skill said:
well my missus just gave me access to the joint account to buy a new R 8)

so i'm not about to spill the beans on how much ive spent in the past! :lol: but there has been a lot of porkies :wink:
Another R mate. that must be number 5? YOu going to keep this one :lol: :lol:



New Member
best things I can say is stay single you don't to question anyone about what you sepdn your cash on, thats my policy :lol:



I can honestly say i aint ever had to lie at all, i tell her what im getting and how much it costs and i get the "oh thats ok, you going to get it now then???"

Then again if they did have a problem with anything to do with the car and didnt have a valid point then they would be on their way....

Luckily the one im currently engaged to has even said she would like to get a fast car once her masters degree is complete and we are settled in a house, suppose im very lucky 8)


New Member
I got busted big time about 3 weeks ago. It started when i came back from Santa Pod and orderd some coilovers, but decided not to tell the G/F.

As the coilovers hadnt turned up i was PMing the person involved, but foolishly left myself logged in, as i turns out Bex checked my PM's and found the pm's i had sent, which resulted in a nice phone call from her and a bit of explaining to do from me.