Chris, get digging around for the front toe settings and double check neutral is okay.
Assuming it is, and the car was setup correctly, it could be a function of the increased camber and the road your on causing the car to wonder a bit (Increased camber = less straight line grip and stability). -1.3 degs sounds on the safe side but check your camber bolts haven't come loose as I've heard of people having problem with the WL bolts losing settings.
These are just things to think about.
Assuming it is, and the car was setup correctly, it could be a function of the increased camber and the road your on causing the car to wonder a bit (Increased camber = less straight line grip and stability). -1.3 degs sounds on the safe side but check your camber bolts haven't come loose as I've heard of people having problem with the WL bolts losing settings.
These are just things to think about.