


right just wondering if anyone fancies earning abit of cash by changing the gearbox on my pulsar. obviously needs to know what there doing.

if not can anyone recommend someone to do it that isnt stupidly expensive.

i live in watford, hertfordshire.


New Member
its not that much of a cheap job tbh. but i had mine changed about 5 months ago at a garage in tring for £320 which is a good price. i know the bloke who done it,he has a pulsar himself, and has done mine,his own,and a mates recently. thats probably your best bet. closer than bob in southend!

Tring MOT & Clutch Centre

Honors Yard
81-82 Akeman St, Tring, HP23 6AF
01442 890289
ask for james

or motorworx in marlow. they said they would charge £400 to change the box which is still a good price ask for carl

both will do a good job


Do it yourself fella. its not a hard job and you only need a hand full of tools and some lifting/jacking equipment. not only will it save you cash but you will be very happy once shes fixed :-D

go on! you know you want to :thumbsup:



New Member
I would do it but am on thewrong side of the country for me to travel all that way. Already got 2 to do in the next few weeks.


theres quite a few down my neck of the woods now john, i would say more in the southeast than anywhere else in the country tbh.

most of the stuff we do now is engine builds which are time consuming and thats why were normally always booked, and theres only 2 of us
not cause theres loads keep breaking down:lol:


right im really confused now, i took the pulsar out and the gear box seemed to be fine but now i think the clutch is ****ed, at first i couldnt select a gear so pumped the clutch peddal and all was fine again, then i stopped at some lights and there was a horrible loud rattling noise coming from the engine but seemed to stop when i put the clutch pedal down then noise again when i lifted. the bite point is about an inch off the floor does this mean its going as it doesnt slip?

so does anyone know of anyone that could give my car a check to see whats going on and point any other faults that i may of missed. would fc tuining do it.


if you drop it down to me (around an hour away) il take a look at it for you!
sounds like the bearing in the box is on its way out though, when the clutch pedal is depressed the mainshaft is held steady, when released it vibrates if the bearings kaput.
if you lightly depress the clutch pedal does the noise then stop? if so then it could be the clutch release bearing.


it was weird cause it would stop completely then come back, where abouts are you and when are you free to look at it.


New Member
could slave cylinder be going too? fctuning dont do anything other than mapping. like i said take it to 1 of the 2 garages i said about. they are close to home. you will have fun getting back from southend if your car starts playing up