Gear box removal due to rattle



Hi all im new to the gti-r scene, just purchased a 92 pulsar with a gearbox
rattle and im hoping to remove the gearbox at the weekend but i am wanting to know if this can be done without dropping the engine out of the car as i am going to be doing this job kerbside.

Also the clutch is a little weird as it feels free floating for the first half of what would be the clutch pedal's travel, could this be a problem with the clutch itself or the pedal gear etc, im fitting a new clutch anyway but just to put my mind at rest.

The problem with the gearbox is that it has a rattle although all of the gears can be selected without any crunching or loacation problems, has anyone had similar problem's, if s what was the cause and was it expensive?

Any help would be appreciated as i am gagging to get this car on the road.


Fast Guy

Staff member
PM Olly.
He does clutches by dropping the gearbox. I think it takes him all day tho, so not a quick job.

Pm Ex-gtir too, he's done at least one this way (he normally drops the engine out), so can probably offer you some advice too.

Check your clutch fluid level too, incase that's affecting the clutch.

Fast Guy

Staff member
Just seen you got the car cheap. If you can afford it, go for a quaiffe rebuild and an uprated clutch. Save you having to do it again in the future. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Its easier if you drop the engine :wink:

I always do mine on my driveway. I find the easiest way is to raise the front of the car by putting it on axle stands then drop the engine out the bottom on to the floor, then separate the engine and box underneath the car (just make sure the front of the car is high enough off the ground to slide the gearbox out from underneath :lol: )

Sounds like the freeplay on the clutch needs adjusting to me. Check it again after you've fitted the new clutch :wink: