front brake lines


New Member
the braided lines on my R are too long and have to be wrapped around the shock to take up some of the slack :shock: is there any safe way of cutting the lines down to the correct length (whatever that may be) or do i need to get some new ones. i think im losing braking efficiency as well so ive prob got a small leak near the caliper end, so any suggestions how to overcome this as well :?: :?:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
cant you make a loop and cable tie it? must be able too if its that long :? without kinking of course :D

as for the leak :shock: fix it! :lol: :wink:


New Member
they are already wrapped and cable tied round the shocks and as for the leak, ive already undone the unions enough to put a shite load of thread sealant in there, but the brakes still felt weak on the way up and back from the pod so im wondering if i need to bleed the whole system down and start again in case ive got an air pocket in one of the lines :?: :?:


New Member
I thought that you will fail the MOT if your brake lines are not secure and I don't think cable ties are classed as secure.

They're ok for ABS wires though :oops: :wink:


New Member
for the MOT i had to wrap the lines in a plastic sheath so that it didnt actually touch the shock as thats classed as a failure. i can put up with th elines (just about :!: ) but id rather get to the bottom of my poor braking as top prioity, cos theres no point having a quick motor if u cant stop the fecker :?