Flaming death narrowly averted!!

Al Mac

New Member
Well, not quite that bad, although the potential was definitely there...:shock:

I was driving over to a relative's on Sunday - a cold yet sunny and dry morning; I thought I'd take the Pulsar out to stretch its recently under-used legs. About a mile into the journey, the wife looks across at me and says "Can you smell that?"; a long deep inhalation through the nostrils confirms her suspicions - the normally intoxicating smell of fresh unleaded, which always becomes a bit less appealing when you can smell it inside the car.

Pulled over in the first side turning we came to, then jumped out and ran round to lift the bonnet. Only to wish that I hadn't bothered, as from within the depths of the engine bay a neat plume of pressurised fuel leapt onto the front of my jacket. A hurried yelp of "TURN THE SODDING ENGINE OFF!!!" put an end to the repeated petroleum-based assault upon my person, after which my good wife and I both moved hurriedly to the far side of the pavement, awaiting the impending fiery inferno that thankfully never came......

The culprit? A small split in the seam of the inline fuel filter, something I had meant to replace when I first bought the car back in September, but then totally forgot about until this rather aggressive reminder:

A brisk walk home and a rummage through the mechanical graveyard that is my shed paid dividends - a small piece of 8mm brass pipe, which I managed to put in place of the homicidal fuel filter until I could get the car home. One new Nissan OE spec filter ordered for collection ASAP.

If I have learned anything from the experience, it's this:

Turn the engine off before investigating possible fuel leaks :doh:

Al Mac

New Member
lucky boy , could have been a travesty

You're not wrong - it was only a couple of hours later that it really hit home that this could have ended a very different way :?

Still, no point crying over spilt milk.....or highly flammable liquid accelerants :lol:


Active Member
Whoever fitted that filter wants their arse kicking....I'm surprised it lasted 5 mins nevermind from before you bought the car!!!!

Al Mac

New Member
Whoever fitted that filter wants their arse kicking....I'm surprised it lasted 5 mins nevermind from before you bought the car!!!!

Agreed - my own stupid fault for not changing it sooner though!

What sort of pressure do these things get up to when the engine's running anyway?

Fast Guy

Staff member
Are those carb inline filters or do they do them for EFI (+turbos) too?

You fuel pressure is 3bar base plus turbo pressure so an easy 4bar or 58psi

All efi cars I've had have had metal filters.

Al Mac

New Member
From the colour of the filter and the plastic housing, I would guess it's been on there for some time. Makes me shudder when I think about it now :lol:


Active Member
I know how you feel a had a nice rare rev5 import mr2 turbo. Driving along and all of a sudden there was no power to the engine followed by the smell of petro. I tried to pull over but as soon as the car came to a halt it went up in flames, me and a pal were lucky jumping through the flames to get out the car. The result of a broken fuel line the car was burnt to a crisp.

Believe it or not some gipsy fucker actually stole it as it sat there over night, it was seen on a camera getting picked straight up on to the back of a trailer.

That was a good phone call to my insurane my car has went on fire and ehhhhh someone stole it.

Al Mac

New Member
Well, you pay for fire and theft on the policy - just wouldn't normally expect to claim under both categories simultaneously I guess :lol:


Active Member
My mum rang me up one day saying she could smell petrol and the car cut out and wouldn`t start.
It had just been in and had an injector replaced at a garage.

The twat at the garage had forgot to clip the tupe back onto the injector rail properly, allowing it to pop off and squirt fuel all over the nice hot engine!


I use them filters on the mowers and golf buggies i work on! Cheap filters, about a pound good for my machinery, clearly not good for the R :doh:


when my old one caught fire i was very hung over and had to flag a farmer down and used his lemonade to put it out my mrs would never get back get back in lol that wasn't petrol tho


New Member
glad it didnt all go up in smoke on you,but am i the only one that cant figure out how the turbo adds an extra bar of pressure to the fuel system pressure ??? come on reaaaallllyyyy since when does the turbo charge the fuel lines too :doh:. unless i have the wrong end of the stick completely on what has previousily been written lol, o well:-D