fitting rear disc's and pads


Active Member
i used the search button found a old thread that odin had replied to ,
its my second car and never done out like this before, but as desribed in the thread it was easy, mind ya that piston is a bit of a bugger to twist back in, only got the rear right done cos the heavens opened


Fast Guy

Staff member
I did my rear pads a couple of weeks back. Only problems I had was one of the caliper giude pins was seized, but I managed to free it up and the piston dust covers were trying to rotate with the piston, but I sorted that out too.


Active Member
yeah i had that with the piston cover.(twisted)
can you lube the piston?
i put copper grease on caliper guides

just thought 'do the disc's have a certain direction to go on . black diamond grp n they didnt have any markings or arrows on em