FINALLY GOT MY BUMPER (finished except lights)



I usually think like you, but I hate put neon under my car a sonon with 30 000 watt, I'd rather keep my car like in stock but this time I have really be mad when I saw this front bumper ...

Shalom do you have pics of your car.

on my first GTi-R i have also add light between middle and side bumper air intake.


New Member
Shalom said:
(sorry, can't resist)

Do you think that I am ill ?
yes, but only as ill as anyone who likes making the front of their beautiful nissan look like an mitsubishi :x
and only slightly more ill than people who stick skyline badges on their pulsar :?
but not as quite as ill as people who put neon lights under their cars :p

lights fitting - just ask the bumper manufacturer the dimensions of those gaping nose holes...

personally i'd be mounting them in the non-riceboy original bumper in the nice blank spots that are perfectly designed for them 8)
[call me a traditionalist]
its not about making my car look like a mitsubishi it is that when u go any where to meets etc the pulsars all look the same ,wheather people like it or not i couldnt give a fcuk,its good people have different opions or we would all be drivivg the same looking cars` also i didnt by an evo cause my mates got one and i didnt want one ,and this is the only bumper i liked ,didnt like the turini bumper cause for £650 it looks like a standard bumper with built in grill and some light thrown in


Staff member
gtir303 - lol, sorry, no offence meant dude (i try and stay out of the styling area for that exact reason), each-to-their-own n all that, commendations for being able to do that sort of work on the car yourself! its friday arvo before a long weekend down here and i was feelin cheeky - and frenchies post was too good to refuse :p

eric - theres nothing special-looking about my R - its just a normal grey road spec 8)


New Member
Shalom said:
gtir303 - lol, sorry, no offence meant dude (i try and stay out of the styling area for that exact reason), each-to-their-own n all that, commendations for being able to do that sort of work on the car yourself! its friday arvo before a long weekend down here and i was feelin cheeky - and frenchies post was too good to refuse :p

eric - theres nothing special-looking about my R - its just a normal grey road spec 8)
thats alright just like to try and be abit different,no offence taken