FC TUNING experiences

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
You have just joined the list (i joined some time ago) of owners that have learned the hard way that these self taught tuners have large gaps in there knowledge and when they have a problem you end up paying for there lack of knowledge . Anybody that runs a business with out issuing receipts risk an encounter with the V.A.T man and H.M customs and revenue if he pisses of his customers ?
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I havent had him map any cars for me BUT i do know many people that have used him and they say hes really good at what he does. We tried to get steve to come to wales to map some of my customers cars but things didnt work out in the end.

Still a top guy.
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So what just because 1 person has had a problem with the mapping everyone has to stone him?? This guy maps thousands of cars. He maps nearly all the driftworks cars and does know his stuff. The reason you have had to fork out £800+ is because you dont live near where he lives and maps the cars and you have had to travel to him. That is the expense you had to pay to take the car down to him and get it done. Let also put that into context with buying a fully reprogrammable ECU, anywhere from £800 upwards and then mapping on top so personally you have blown things out of context. 1 fault doesnt make the man a scammer nor does it make it right but it was your choice to travel etc. I am just a guy sitting on the fence and dont care what happens either way i just hate to see a top bloke be slated for something that can be solved. How about posting him your ECU and get him to map that as a cheap option? What exactly was the service you were after? BHP level not high enough for ya? need to explain matey.


Staff member
Riske - At the end of the day, nitrosgti-r was asking for peoples own experiences before he explained his own as like he said he didnt want to sway peoples opinions as some people just gegg in on it and start spouting sh*te!

Most feedback has been positive and only a couple have been negative, so hopefully from this he will be able to see that it has so far only been a small minoritie that has been affected - I think you where one of the unlucky ones!

Any more news on this nitrosgti-r ?
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New Member
cheers for helping me out there Aimee, seems im getting a battering and a few ppl have pm'ed me there stories aswell i need to add. So, the news is that steve can get me on the dyno @ motoworx and...... for nothing :D So "all i have to do is get there", plus my Q45 and £40 his way for his time to flash the ecu and start again using a z32 maf. All is well with the car at the mo as i have taken it back to stock ecu (mines chip), stock injectors and stock maf, It still goes like shite and im happy with the drivability, but im not 100% on the fuelling etc. So i have come this far, i think i will have to see it through now, especially as he has offered what he has. So watch this space for updates.

So im my answer to riske comments. I wonder how you would feel if it YOUR car mate?? I incurred the extra cost due to further circumstances that im not prepared to disclose just yet, lets just say a lack of communication for now. I live 150 (odd) miles from dyno and my car will do 25 mpg with trailer, so you work it out how much extra it cost me. No the power figure was not enough, if im honest, but more importantly, nore was the drivablitly. And thats all im prepared to say for the time being.

Que the shit stirrers haha!

Any valid points, comments or EXPERIENCES welcome


Well if it was my car i would plan out what was going on, what time frames, what costing etc would be needed and go from there i would try and gain as much info by phone or email before setting off. Which i did personally last year(mind due i didnt travel as far as you)

Seems as tho things will be sorted. As you have said it was down to poor communication not his ability to map cars which i was trying to put across and sorry if it came out wrong. Hope its all good in the hood from now on mate. Happy R times ahead... we all hope


New Member
Quick update on the re-tune. Steve has cancelled twice so far...... Luckily i called motoworx in advance for this coming friday as it turns out Danny cant do it.....funny that.

Hopefully going in during the next week....

Fusion Ed

Active Member
Just to add a bit of experience of my own. Any mapper that claims to have a clean record/claims everything went to plan/has never made a mistake/never had anything go wrong etc. is either lying or not been doing the job long enough to have had enough experience of something out of the ordinary.

I have personally mapped hundreds of cars over the years and I still learn more/see new things. Your dealing with an infinite amount of variables on so many different set up cars - some great and some appalling, that you simply cannot win all the time. Its as much a personality thing and trust with the company that is doing the work as it is how good they are with the job.

Mapping is also quite often something that you cannot get right in one session (unless minor changes like boost increase or something are being done) It can take ages to get the environmental correction factors working under all conditions 'perfectly'. Also every 'mapper' has their own way they do things. My method of tuning is very much a scientific/physical based one. I.e. I know what #should# happen as an output for a given input on a map, and how it should scale with the engines load. If it doesn't then it identifies a problem somewhere (which can happen quite a lot especially on pulsars). I really really hate mapping around issues on the car. This will ALWAYS cause problems later, this I do see all the time, and will result in unpredictable behaviour and running issues.

I don't know how Steve maps his cars. I have not seen one of his maps, but to be honest with Nissan ECU, especially remaps its hard to really mess up as its such a well known and understood system (also very basic).

I would say however the invoices bit is a bit odd. I take any payments cash/card whatever - always issue invoices (even if the customer isn't interested, its in my files). Its my company and I don't benefit long term if I did it any other way.

Also another final point. I really try to put off jobs which are a long way from the workshop now. Even if the customer is willing to travel to me. I simply cannot offer the support and service I would like to if its hundreds of miles away. I have been bitten by this a few times where a customer has a question or something they would like checked but doesn't know how to and cannot afford the time or money to bring the car back to the workshop - its not fair on either party to be in this situation.

Anyway enough from me.



i have to say ed 'although weve had our many differences:peep:' the map you did on madmax's (martyns) pfc was very good and car was running spot on, so credit where its due.

Fusion Ed

Active Member
Bob, likewise I should add that I learnt a hell of a lot from our past (!!) and would deal with that entirely differently now, like I said you learn something every day, not just mapping but in business relations too!
