EVO 3 front hubs


im thinkin of puting evo front hubs and brakes on my r just wondering will the shocks on ??????? :roll:


i can get the hub and brake for nowt just thought it would be easyer to put the lot on rather than find adapter plates ?


Active Member
Davie Houston said:
Got this setup on mine, and is fine so far.
Running Pagid Blue Pads aswell.
are you finding they fade at all mate?
I`m not sure whether mine fade or its just the shite discs i`m running
Just noticed your reply ollie, when i was running standard 172 discs you felt a wee bit when they where up to temps.
But fitted a set of ebc grooved discs and noticed a big difference in the braking at warm temps buddy.


Active Member
Davie Houston said:
Just noticed your reply ollie, when i was running standard 172 discs you felt a wee bit when they where up to temps.
But fitted a set of ebc grooved discs and noticed a big difference in the braking at warm temps buddy.
it must be my cheap discs then. There crap. If you break down for 80 to say 30 then they start "humming" soon as there`s heat in them. does my head in.
Yeah matey i had the exact same, was using mintex discs from a motor factors.
A suppose you get what you pay for matey.



Active Member
Davie Houston said:
Yeah matey i had the exact same, was using mintex discs from a motor factors.
A suppose you get what you pay for matey.

which discs did you go to to solve it mate?
i`ve got these 115 quid carbotech pads but my discs can`t take the beating
think it was ebc turbo groove or summit along they lines.
But the pagid blue sure know how to destroy discs matey.
My discs have lucky if they have done about 3000 miles and they are already chewed up!!!

But i think its just one of the things you have to deal with, i can live with replacing discs and pads aslong as i know its going to stop!!!


Active Member
Davie Houston said:
But i think its just one of the things you have to deal with, i can live with replacing discs and pads aslong as i know its going to stop!!!
definately mate.